Class 9th Guess PapersClass 9th Physics Guess Papers

Class 9th Physics Guess Papers

9th class Physics guess papers 2024 Punjab Board

On this page, you will find Physics guess paper for class 9 2024 in either English or Urdu. There are two formats to download best guess papers for class 9 Physics. All boards in Punjab may use important Physics guess sheet for 9th class. BISE boards in these locations include Faisalabad, Lahore, Gujranwala, Dera Ghazi Khan, Sargodha, Sahiwal, Multan and Jammu Kashmir. Many students practice Physics Guess Paper 2024 by FAIZ UL ISLAM and get good grades in the exam.

Most Important Questions:

Chapter .1

1. Define Physics and branches of physics.
2. Define atomic physics and Nuclear Physics.
3. Define Plasma Physics and Geo physics.
4. Define Physical quantities and derives quantities.
5. Define base and derived quantities.
6. What is meant by base unit? Give two examples.
7. What do you know about prefixes?
8. How numbers are expressed in Scientific Notation.
9. Define zero error and zero correction.
10. Difference between Positive zero error and negative zero error.
11. When the zero error of a screw gauge will be positive.


1. When the zero error of screw guage will be positive?
2. Why a screw guage measures more accurately than vernier calipers?
3. Why do we use zero correction?
4. How many divisions are there on its vernier scale?


1. On what pan we place the object and why?
2. What is the pitch of your laboratory screw gauge?
3. Which one of the two instruments is more precise and why?


1. Difference between Base Quantities and Derived Quantities.
PROBLEMS: 1.3,1.10

Chapter .2


1. Difference between Kinematics and Dynamics?
2. What is translator motion and linear motion?
3. Define random motion. Give example.
4. Difference between rotatory and vibratory motion.
5. Define motion and types of motion.
6. Difference between rotator and random motion.
7. Define vibratory motion and give example.
8. Difference between Scalars and Vectors and non-uniform speed
9. Define Uniform speed
10. Difference between speed and velocity.
11. Convert 1 kmh-1 speed of a body into
12. Is velocity -time graphing a straight line?


1. Which is the fastest animal on the Earth?
2. When a body is thrown vertically upward, its velocity at the highest point is zero. Why?
3. What is the use of LIDAR gun?


1. Why vector quantities cannot be added and subtracted like scalar quantities?
2. How do riders in a Ferris wheel possess translator motion but not rotatory motion?


1. Define Scalar and vector quantities. Give two examples of each.
PROBLEM:, 2.3, 2.6

Chapter .3


1. Define momentum. Write its mathematical formula. Give its direction. Write its SI unit.
2. Define Inertia, explain with example.
3. State Newton’s second law of motion.
4. Prove F = ma
5. Difference between mass and weight.
6. State and explain Newton’s third law of motion.
7. How much force is needed to prevent a body of mass 10kg from falling?
8. Define Force and Momentum. Also write its mathematical formula.
9. Define friction. Write the value of co-efficient of friction between tyre and road.
10. Difference between sliding friction and rolling friction.
11. Write down two advantages and disadvantages of friction.
12. What is meant by co-efficient of friction? Write is mathematical formula.
13. Define centripetal force. Write its mathematical formula.
14. What is meant by centrifugal force? Write its equation.


1. How spring balance use.
2. How much force you need to prevent the book from falling?
3. Have you noticed why a moving balls stops?


1. Which shoe offer less friction?
2. Which shoe is better for jogging?
3. Which sole will wear


1. Derive equations of motion.
2. Define momentum. Write its mathematical formula. What is its SI unit?
3. State and explain Newton’s first law of motion. Why Newton’s first law of motion is also called the law of inertia?
4. State Newton’s second law of motion. Derive its mathematical formula. How you can define
5. Newton using second law of motion. State the law of conservation of momentum. Explain with examples.
6. Describe the methods to reduce friction.
7. Define Centripetal force and prove that Fe = mv2/r

Chapter .4


1. Define parallel forces. Write the names of its types.
2. Define Like and unlike parallel forces.
3. What is meant by rectangular components?
4. What is meant by resolution of forces?
5. In a right angled triangle I triangle length of base is 4 cm and its f perpendicular is 3 cm. Find length of hypotenuse.
6. Define rigid body.
7. Differentiate between axis of rotation and moment arm.
8. State the second condition of equilibrium. Write its mathematical formula.
9. Define unstable equilibrium. Give example.
10. Difference between unstable and neutral equilibrium with example.


1. Can a small child play with a fat child on the seesaw? Explain how?
2. Two children are sitting on the see. Saw, such that they cannot this situation? swing. What is the not torque in
3. Why the height t of vehicles is kept as low possible?


1. A Ladder leaning at a wall is in equilibrium. How?
2. Does the speed of a ceiling fan go on increasing all the time?


1. State and explain resolution of forces in its rectangular components.
2. What do you mean by torque or moment of force? On what factors it depends upon?
3. Find the centre of gravity of an irregular shaped thin lamina with the help of plumb line.
4. What is a couple? Derive its mathematical relation.
5. Define equilibrium and explain is different state.
6. Define equilibrium and explain its condition.
PROBLEMS: 4.2, 4.5

Chapter .5


1. Define law of gravitation.
2. Give the value and unit of ‘G’ in gravitational constant.
3. What is meant by gravitational field?
4. What is the relation between law of Gravitational and
5. Write down the formula to find the mass of Earth.
6. Write the formula to find the mass sof earth and writhe the mass of Earth.
7. Give two uses of artificial satellites.
8. What is satellite and geostationary satellite?
9. What is a communication satellite? Write down its height from the surface of earth.
10. Write the formula of orbital speed of artificial satellite.


1. Does an apple attract the Earth towards?
2. With what force an apple weighing 1 N attracts the Earth.
3. What is height of a geostationary satellite?
4. What is GPS system?


1. How Moon is nearly away from the Earth.
2. Does the weight of an apple increase? Decrease or remain constant when taken to the top of a mountain.


1. Explain the law of gravitation.
2. Why communication satellites are stationed at geostationary orbits.

Chapter .6


1. What is the difference between work and energy?
2. Define kinetic energy and write its mathematical formula.
3. Define Potential energy and write its equation.
4. Difference between mechanical energy and chemical energy.
5. What is meant by nuclear energy?
6. What is soil erosion?
7. Write down the two disadvantages of fossil fuels.
8. Define fission reaction.
9. What is meant by geothermal energy?
10. What is meant by energy from biomass?
11. What is meant by Power? Write its formula
12. What is meant by the efficiency of a system?


1. How a a nuclear power plant uses.
2. What is watt? LONG QUESTIONS. 1. Define K.E. and drive its relation.
PROBLEMS: 6.4,, 6.9

Chapter .7


1. Write the properties of kinetic molecular model of matter.
2. What is meant by plasma state of matter?
3. Describe some properties of Plasma.
4. What is the SI unit of pressure? Define it.
5. What is atmospheric pressure?
6. State Pascal’s law.
7. Explain the working of hydraulic press.
8. What is Hooke’s law? What is meant by elastie limit?
9. What is meant by mercury barometer?
10. What is Young’s Modulus and mathematical form?
11. State Archimedes principle.
12. What is difference between stress and strain?


1. Why the air become thinner and thinner as we go up?
2. What changes area expected in weather if the barometer reading shows sudden decrease?
3. On what principle, ships and submarines float on surface of water and why?
4. A wooden block floats on water. Why?


1. Can we use a hydrometer to measure the density of milk?
2. Principle of floatation?


1. How kinetic molecular model of matter is helpful in differentiating various states of matter?
2. Explain the working of hydraulic press.
3. How can we calculate the density of a object by using Archimedes principle?
4. Define Young’s Modulus. Derived the formula and write the unit.
PROBLEMS: 7.1, 7.2, 7.4,

Chapter .8


1. Write two scale of temperature.
2. Define Fahrenheit scale of temperature.
3. Write the formula of conversions form Celsius to Kelving scale.
4. What is absolute zero?
5. What is clinical thermometer and its range?
6. Convert 100 oF into the temperature on Celsius scale.
7. What do you mean by lower and upper fixed points?
8. Define Specific heat.
9. Normal human body temperature is 98 oF. Convert it into Celsius scale and Kelvin scale
10. Differentiate between freezing and melting point.
11. Define vaporization.
12. What is the effect of temperature on evaporation?
13. What is meant by evaporation?
14. Define co-efficient of f volume thermal expansion.


1. Why does heat flow from hot body to cold body?
2. How specific heat differs from heat capacity?


1. Give two uses of cooling affect by evaporation.
2. How evaporation differ from vaporation.
3. Why gaps are left in railway track?
4. Write two uses of bimetallic strip.


1. What is meant by evaporation? On what factors the evaporation of a liquid depends? Explain how cooling is produced by evaporation.
2. Explain the volumetric thermal expansion.
3. Define linear thermal expansion in solids. Derive a mathematical relation for linear thermal expansion. Define coefficient of linear thermal expansion from this equation.
PROBLEM: 8.2,8.3,8.4,8.5,8.6, 8.7,8.9

Chapter .9


1. What do ou mean by transfer of heat?
2. Write the names of methods of transfer of heat.
3. What do you mean by conduction of heat?
4. Define the rate of flow of heat.
5. Define thermal conductivity. What is its mathematical formula?
6. Difference between conductors and non-conductors.
7. Define convection.
8. Write down two uses of convection currents.
9. What is meant by land breeze?
10. Define Radiation.
11. Write two consequences of radiation.
12. Difference between land breeze and sea breez?


1. What causes a glider to remain in air?
2. Why bottom of cooking pots are made black?
3. Why we wear while or light coloured clothes in summer?


1. Is metals are good conductor of heat.
2. Why conduction of heat does not take place in gasses?


1. Define Specific heat. How would would you find the specific heat of solid?
2. What is greenhouse effect?
3. Explain the impact of impact of greenhouse effect in tin global warming.

In preparation for their final exams, students can use the 9th class physics guess paper. Each chapter in the textbook is covered, along with questions expected to be asked in the exam. These guess papers can be used as a study aid after students have prepared the entire book. By doing this, students are able to identify the key concepts they need to focus on further and gauge their understanding. As a result, guess papers can boost students’ confidence and help them do well in exams.

9th Class Physics Guess Paper 2024 for Punjab Board Students

As a matter of fact, physics is perceived as a very difficult subject. In accordance with all school boards, the 9th class exam date sheet has already been released. All Punjab boards will conduct physics papers on Friday. Therefore, less time is available for exam preparation. You can use these guess papers to prepare for the board exam by covering all the important questions.

In addition, you will improve your knowledge as well as prepare for the important questions that will come up in these exams. Among the major features of our guess papers is that they can be downloaded for free. This means you can download these guess papers for free and even print them. However, you can access and use these guess papers free of charge despite the fact that these guess papers are more costly these days of tests.

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