Class 9th Chemistry Guess PapersClass 9th Guess Papers

Class 9th Chemistry Guess Papers

9th class Chemistry guess papers 2024 Punjab Board

On this page, you will find Chemistry guess paper for class 9 2024 in either English or Urdu. There are two formats to download best guess papers for class 9 chemistry. All boards in Punjab may use important Chemistry guess sheet for 9th class. BISE boards in these locations include Faisalabad, Lahore, Gujranwala, Dera Ghazi Khan, Sargodha, Sahiwal, Multan and Jammu Kashmir. Many students practice Chemistry Guess Paper 2024 by FAIZ UL ISLAM and get good grades in the exam.

Most Important Questions:

Chapter .1

  1. Define organic chemistry?
  2. Define term “Anion” and give one example?
  3. How many molecules of water are present in half mole of water?
  4. Write any three differences between compound and mixture?
  5. Define industrial and analytical chemistry?
  6. What is the Relative Atomic Mass? How it is related to gram?
  7. Write the chemical formulas of caustic soda and washing soda?
  8. How to write a chemical formula?
  9. Define molecular formula and give example?
  10. Calculate the formula mass of nitric Acid HNO3.
  11. Define free radical and give example.
  12. Difference between compound and mixture.
  13. Calculate the number of moles and Atoms present in 6 Grams of water?
  14. Difference between Biochemistry and industrial Chemistry?
  15. What is meant by molecular formula explains with an example.
  16. Write three differences between Atom and Ion.
  17. Write four differences between molecule and molecularion.
  18. Define organic Chemistry?
  19. Differentiate between physical and chemical properties.
  20. What is the Valency of following elements?
  21. Define Element and classify the elements with examples
  22. Define mole and give one example.
  23. Define organic and inorganic Chemistry
  24. Calculate the Molecular Mass of Nitric Acid (HNO3)
  25. What is the difference between Solution and Mixture?
  26. Explain Empirical formula and Molecular formula with example.
  27. Define industrial chemistry.
  28. Define chemical properties and give example.
  29. Write two significance of chemical formula.
  30. Define empirical formula and give one example.
  31. Give any two example of application in biochemistry.
  32. How does homogeneous mixture differ from heterogeneous mixture?
  33. Define Element.
  34. What is a molecule? Write four characteristics of molecular ion.
  35. Explain different types of molecules with the help of example.
  36. Write any five properties of mixture.

Chapter .2

  1. Define carbon dating.
  2. Write down the electronic configuration of be and ne.
  3. Give the applications of isotopes in the field of radiotherapy and medicines.
  4. Write two characteristics of cathode rays.
  5. Write two defects in Rutherford’s atomic model.
  6. Write the electronic configuration of an element having 11 electrons.
  7. Write the results of experiments of Rutherford’satomic model.
  8. A patient has goiter. How will it be detected?
  9. Write down the two characteristics of canal rays.
  10. Write down the electronic configuration of chlorineion.
  11. Define shielding effect.
  12. Define electronic configuration.
  13. How does electron differ form a neutron?
  14. Name the elements represented by give symbols.
  15. State any three properties of cathode rays.
  16. How isotopes are useful for us?
  17. Write the properties of neutron.
  18. Define isotopes. Name the isotopes of hydrogen.
  19. Write down any three properties of canal rays.
  20. Define nuclear fission reaction with one example.
  21. Write down the electronic configuration of phosphorus.
  22. Write main points of Dalton atomic theory.
  23. What is plum pudding theory?
  24. How James Chadwick. Discovered neutron.
  25. How goiter is detected in a patient.
  26. Define electronic configuration give an example also.
  27. Define between shell and subshell with examples of each.
  28. Give two properties of neutron.
  29. Who discover proton and neutron?
  30. Write any four properties of cathode rays.
  31. Describe Rutherford’s atomic model also point out the defects in this model.
  32. Write down any three properties of canal rays.
  33. Give comparison b/w Rutherford’s and Bohers atomic theories.

Chapter .3

  1. Write two properties of Neutron Particle.
  2. Give trend of Ionization Energy in a period.
  3. What is shielding effect?
  4. Define Shielding effect. Explain its trend in Groups and Periods.
  5. Why are noble gases not reactive?
  6. How the Dobereiner arranged the elements in periodic Table.
  7. What is meant by Periodic Function?
  8. Discuss the important features of Modern Periodic Table.
  9. Differentiates between Period and Group.
  10. What is meant by Atomic Radius? Write its unit.
  11. Distinguish between Groups and period
  12. Describe the trends of Electro negativity in a period and in a group.
  13. Write the trend of Electro negativity in period and group of periodic table.
  14. Give the trend of Ionization Energy in period.
  15. Distinguish between period and group in the periodic table.
  16. Discuss the important feature of Modern periodic table.
  17. 2nd Ionization Energy is greater that 1st Ionization Energy.
  18. Define Electron Affinity. Why it increases in a period and decreases in a group in the periodic table.
  19. Write down the procedure about the experiment that temperature affects the solubility.
  20. Name the raw material used for the commercial preparation of Na2 Co
  21. You are provided with 0.1 m solution of sodium carbonate (na2c o3) how would you prepare 100 cm3 of 0-01 m solution of sodium carbonate?
  22. How ironic bond is formed? Example it with an example.

Chapter .4

  1. What are Noble Gases not reactive?
  2. Why Ice Floats on Water?
  3. Describe four properties of Ionic compounds.
  4. Why atoms form chemical bond?
  5. What is Ionic Bond? Discuss the formation of Ionic Bond between Sodium and Chlorine Atoms.
  6. Why noble gases are not reactive.
  7. Define Octet Rule.
  8. Why does Ice float on water.
  9. How many bond pairs of electrons are found in NH3 Molecule
  10. Why does Atom react?
  11. Define Boyle’s Law and derive its equation.
  12. Ionic compounds are solid. Justify it.
  13. Define Hydrogen Bonding and give one example.
  14. Explain the types of covalent Bond with at least one example of each type.
  15. What is dipole interaction? Give one example.
  16. What is the octet Rule?
  17. How coordinate covalent Bond is formed? Explain with example.
  18. How driller classified the elements.
  19. What is octaves law?
  20. State the Mendeleev’s periodic law.
  21. Why noble gases are note reactive.
  22. What do you mean by groups in periodic table?
  23. Define ionization energy and give one example.
  24. What is the trend of shielding effect in a group and in a period?
  25. Define electron affinity and electronegativity.
  27. Metals are good conductor of electricity why.
  28. Why do atoms react?
  29. What is the octet rule? How it differs from the duplet rule.
  30. Why ionic compounds conduct electricity in solution form.
  31. Write any two properties of covalent compounds.
  32. What is the dative covalent bond? Show it with one example.
  33. What is triple covalent bond give an example?
  34. Write down example of two polar compounds
  35. Why Hall has dipole-dipole forces of attraction.
  36. Give any two properties of co-ordinate covalent compounds. Explain hydrogen bonding with an example.
  37. How a co-ordinate covalent bond is formed? Explain it with example.

Chapter .5

  1. How gases produce Homogeneous mixture?
  2. What is standard Atmospheric Pressure?
  3. What is meant by Evaporation?
  4. Write the factors on which Evaporation depends.
  5. Define effusion and give example.
  6. What do you mean by Pascal? How many Pascal’s are equal to 1 atom?
  7. Define Systolic Pressure?
  8. Describe any three typical properties of Gases.
  9. Define Boyle’s Law.
  10. Write down two factors on which Vapor pressure depends upon?
  11. Define Allotropy?
  12. Define Pressure and write its unit.
  13. Why metals are good conductor of Electricity.
  14. Define Diffusion. Give example.
  15. Why Densities of Gases are low than that of Liquids?
  16. What is Ionic Bond? Discuss the formation of Ionic Bond between Sodium and Chlorine.
  17. Define Vapor Pressure.
  18. State whether allotropy is shown by Elements or Compounds or both?
  19. Why solids show rigidity?
  20. Define Boyle’s law and verify it with an example.
  21. What is the effect of Temperature on Vapor Pressure?
  22. Differentiate between diffusion and effusion.
  23. What is Charles law? Write its equation.
  24. What is the vapor Pressure? How it is affected by intermolecular forces?
  25. Explain the factors on which a vapor pressure depends on.
  26. What is vapor pressure? How it changes with changing temperature.

Chapter .6

  1. What is solution?
  2. What is percentage of Volume / mass? Give example.
  3. How suspension is differing from solution?
  4. If we add 5 cm3 of Acetone in water to prepare 90 cm3 of aqueous solution. Calculate its concentration of this solution.
  5. State any four properties of Colloids.
  6. Give the general principals of solubility
  7. Define Aqueous Solution and give example.
  8. What is the difference between Dilute Solution and concentrated Solution?
  9. Define Morality. Also write the formula for preparation of Molar Solutions.
  10. Define Solubility.
  11. Write a note on Colloid.
  12. Compare the characteristics of Colloid and Suspension.
  13. Why does not the suspension form Homogeneous Mixture?
  14. Why we stir paints thoroughly before using.
  15. How will you test whether give solution is a colloidal solution or not?
  16. What do you mean “like dissolves like”. Explain with example.
  17. Why does the colloid show Tyndall effects?
  18. What is the difference between solution and Mixture?
  19. Differentiate between Solute and solvent.
  20. Give at least three characteristics of suspensions.
  21. How much amount of KOH is required to prepare one molar Solution?
  22. Define Saturated and Unsaturated Solution.
  23. Define aqueous solution. Write the two components of Solution.
  24. Define solubility. Which are the factors which affect the solubility of solute?
  25. What is difference between Saturated and unsaturated Solution?
  26. Define Solubility.
  27. What is Tindal effect?
  28. Give the four characteristics of colloid.
  29. Draw dot and cross formula of methane.
  30. Why gases are compressible.
  31. Define effusion.
  32. Convert 300 c to kelvin temperature.
  33. Convert 450c to kelvin temperature.
  34. Justify why evaporation is a cooling process.
  35. Explain the rigidity in solids.
  36. Why gases have less density than liquids and solids.
  37. State charmless law and write down its mathematical expression.
  38. What do you mean by transition temperature?
  39. What is solute give two example?
  40. Convert 1000 c kelvin.
  41. Define dynamic equilibrium.
  42. Define solution and give two examples.
  43. Differentiate between solute and solvent.
  44. Why suspension is does not form a homogeneous mixture.
  45. What is meant by volume/volume %?
  46. What is solute .give two example?
  47. What is mean by saturated solution?
  48. what is meant by m/m%

Chemistry is considered one of the most difficult sciences. Chemistry at the secondary level can be compared to mathematics at the primary level in terms of mathematics. Candidates who are weak in this subject don’t really care about it. While covering the topic, you may have only heard the importance of the topic.

Chemistry Guess Class 9th 2024 for Punjab Boards

We have created this guess sheet in PDF format based on students’ request. I think it is very difficult to complete this paper in ninth grade. You will understand the nature of the paper better by going through the Class 9 Chemistry guess paper. Below is a collection of some of my favorite topics that I can use to write a topic-based research paper or topic-based assignment. I’m sure there are others I’ve overlooked, and I’d love to hear about them.

However, you still have difficulty coping, so it has become a big problem for you. As long as you have the study materials and there will be plenty of help, you won’t have to worry about anything. Candidates who are weak in any other subject can also benefit from this website. It will also give you guess papers for all the subjects, so even if you are weak in one or two subjects, you will be able to pass them with good marks. Here are the top long questions from all chapters:

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