Class 9th Biology Guess PapersClass 9th Guess Papers

Class 9th Biology Guess Papers

9th class biology guess papers 2024 Punjab Board

Our experienced staff has prepared the most important guess papers for the Punjab Board Biology Guess Paper 2024, especially for 9th-grade science students. These are important questions for the 9th-grade biology guess sheet 2024. It is one of the best ways to get good marks in the exam. Many students practice Biology Guess Paper 2024 by FAIZ UL ISLAM and get good grades in the exam.

Most Important Questions:

Chapter .1

Important Short Questions

  1. Define the biology.
  2. Define anatomy.
  3. Define taxonomy.
  4. Define genetics and biotechnology.
  5. What are parasites?
  6. Define farming, horticulture and agriculture.
  7. Differentiate between population and community.
  8. Write scientific names of crow, frog, mustard, onion
  9. Define fossil.
  10. difference between unicellular and multicellular organism.

Important Long questions

  1. Write a note on Muslim scientists.
  2. Describe the relationship of Biology with other sciences.
  3. Give four careers in Biology.
  4. Arite note on tissue, organ and organ system

Chapter .2

Important Short questions

  1. Differentiate between theory and law.
  2. Why quantitative observations are considered better than qualitative observations?
  3. Differentiate between quantitative and qualitative observations with examples.
  4. Define bioinformatics.
  5. What is incubation period?
  6. Define scientific method and biological method.
  7. What do you mean by the biological problem?
  8. Write the observations of Dr. A.F.A King about malaria.
  9. Write the characteristics of a good hypothesis.
  10. How we make hypothesis?
  11. What is meant by deductions?

Chapter .3

Important Short questions

  1. Define biodiversity.
  2. Briefly describe the importance of biodiversity.
  3. Write aims of classification.
  4. What do you mean by binomial nomenclature?
  5. Describe the relationship between taxonomy and systematics.
  6. Differentiate between the terms ‘distinct’ and endangered species.
  7. Differentiate between the nutrition methods in plants and fungi.
  8. Why viruses are not included in any kingdom? OR What is the place of viruses in classification?
  9. What is meant by deforestation?
  10. How the scientist give scientific names to living organisms?
  11. What are monera?
  12. Write the names of five-kingdom system.

Important Long Questions

  1. How human activities are affecting biodiversity.
  2. Write the aims and rules of binomial nomenclature
  3. Write the aims and rules of classification.
  4. Give the importance of biodiversity.

Chapter .4

Important Short questions

  1. Define cell theory. Write its principles.
  2. Write the functions of leucoplasts and chromoplasts.
  3. Differentiate between diffusion, facilitated diffusion and active transport.
  4. What is meant by hypertonic and hypotonic solutions.
  5. What is the Golgi apparatus or Golgi complex?
  6. What is osmosis?
  7. Differentiate between endocytosis and exocytosis.
  8. Differentiate between eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells.
  9. What are voluntary and involuntary muscles?
  10. Write the name of two tissues found in Plants.
  11. Write about phagocytosis and pinocytosis.
  12. Write the function of plasmodesmata. 
  13. What is meant by diffusion and facilitated diffusion?
  14. Define magnification and resultion.

Important Long Questions

  1. Write a note on meristematic tissues in plants and muscle tissues in animals.
  2. Write the structure and functions of nucleus.
  3. Write the functions of cell membrane and cell wall.
  4. What is the cytoskeleton? give its importance.
  5. Write a note of endoplasmic reticulum, Epidermal tissues.

Chapter .5

Important Short questions

  1. Define cell cycle and write the names of its major phases.
  2. Differentiate between somatic cells and germline cells.
  3. What is regenerations?
  4. How asexual reproduction occurs in hydra?
  5. Differentiate between benign and malignant tumors.
  6. What is metastasis?
  7. Differentiate between mitosis and meiosis.
  8. What is crossing over?
  9. What is disjunction and non-disjunction?
  10. What are apoptotic bodies?
  11. What is phragmoplast?
  12. What is meant by G0 and G1 phase?
  13. Define asexual reproduction with an example.
  14. What is meant by cytokinesis and karyokinesis?

Chapter .6

Important Short Questions

  1. What are biocatalysts?
  2. What are enzymes?
  3. Differentiate between substrates and products.
  4. What is activation energy?
  5. Define cofactors, coenzymes and prosthetic groups.
  6. Write about the use of enzymes in the paper industry.
  7. How enzymes are denatured?
  8. In what way do enzymes reduce the activation energy?
  9. Differentiate between anabolism and catabolism.
  10. What is meant by optimum pH for an enzyme?
  11. Write about the induced-fit model and Lock and key model of enzyme action.

Chapter .7

Important Short questions

  1. Define bioenergetics.
  2. What is ATP? Write names of its subunits.
  3. Write the significance of anaerobic respiration.
  4. Differentiate between aerobic and anaerobic respiration.
  5. Define cellular respiration.
  6. What is electron transport chain?
  7. Differentiate between alcoholic fermentation and lactic acid fermentation.
  8. Compare respiration and photosynthesis.
  9. What is glycolysis?
  10. What is meant by light reaction and dark reaction?
  11. What is the electron transport chain? how is it formed?
  12. Briefly explain oxidation and reduction processes.

Important Long questions

  1. Differentiate between light reactions and dark reactions
  2. Write the role of light and chlorophyll in photosynthesis.
  3. Describe the limiting factors in photosynthesis.
  4. Explain the mechanism of respiration.

Chapter .8

Important Short Questions

  1. Differentiate between bolus and chyme.
  2. What do you mean by nutrition?
  3. What are saturated and unsaturated fatty acids?
  4. Write the sources and function of vitamin A.
  5. What are water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins?
  6. Write the sources and functions of vitamin D.
  7. Write functions of dietary fibre.
  8. What is a balanced diet?
  9. Define malnutrition. Write names of its types.
  10. Write steps of digestion in human.
  11. Write the functions of the oral cavity.
  12. What is peristalsis?
  13. What is an appendix?
  14. What is anaemia?
  15. Write symptoms of Ulcer.
  16. Write the causes of constipation and Diarrhoea.
  17. What is obesity?
  18. Write name of two major kinds of fertilizers.

Important Long questions

  1. Describe the role of liver in the digestion of food.
  2. Describe the process of digestion in small intestine.
  3. Describe the problems related to nutrition.
  4. Write the importance of fertilizers for plants.

Chapter .9

Important Short Questions

  1. Define cohesion tension theory.
  2. What is meant by source and sink?
  3. Write the functions of pericardial fluid.
  4. Define systole and diastole.
  5. What is the role of potassium ion in opening and closing of stomata?
  6. What is myocardial infarction?
  7. What is pulmonary and systemic circulation
  8. Who are universal donors and universal recipients.
  9. What is leukaemia?
  10. Write the composition of blood plasma.
  11. What is transpiration?
  12. What is antigen?
  13. Who are called universal doners?
  14. Write two differences between arteries and vains.

Important Long questions

  1. How various factors affect the rate of transpiration?
  2. Write the causes, treatment and prevention of myocardial infarction.
  3. Write a note on ABO blood group system.
  4. Transpiration is a necessary evil. Explain. (Significance of transpiration)
  5. Structure of human heart with diagram.
  6. Importance of rH factor in blood transfusion.

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Most important questions in biology for class 9 2024 – Punjab Board

FAIZ UL ISLAM is offering assistance to students in their preparation for the upcoming 9th class biology exams conducted by Punjab Board. We provide students with a set of important questions to help them improve their understanding of the subject and practice efficiently for exams. The purpose of this service is to make the exam preparation process easier and more convenient for students.

Biology is a subject of vast knowledge. We deal with the living and non-living components of life in this topic. SSC-I students have the option of choosing Biology or Computer Science. It is the desire of every student to get good marks in this subject. Students try their best to get top grades in biology but often they are not able to perform perfectly in the exam. Here, we provide 9th grade biology guess papers 2024 To ninth grade students.

This is great news for students preparing for the 2024 board exams! Availability of 9th grade biology guess papers It provides a huge advantage by offering students essential guidance and insights into the exam format and key topics. By utilizing these resources, students can strategically plan their study efforts and focus on areas that are likely to be emphasized in the Urdu exam. There is no doubt that this announcement will help students prepare more effectively and increase their chances of success in the upcoming exams.

9th grade biology guess paper 2024 federal council

Students can get an idea about Biology board exam through these important guess papers. You can download Federal Guess Sheet in Biology for Class 9 Council 2024 To get good grades in biology exam. You can also check Biology notes class 9. Students can perform better in the exam if they practice Federal Board Class 9 Biology guess papers.

Guess Biology for Class 9 KPK Board 2024

Students point to a specific website they identified as the source for the guess sheet. This guess sheet can potentially be used as a study tool to help prepare for exams and improve their chances of achieving a high grade in Biology. The format of the guess sheet is not specified, but it can be in the form of a pdf document or any other suitable format. The availability of KPK Biology guess sheet on a specific website makes it easily accessible and convenient for students to use in their studies. download bioloy guess kpk board class 9 From our website.

9th class biology guess board 2024 in english

To download Sindh Board 9th Class Biology Guess Paper 2024, in portable document format (pdf). The availability of this guess sheet in pdf format makes it easily accessible and convenient for students to use in their studies. The purpose of the guess sheet is to help students prepare for exams and improve their chances of achieving a high score in biology. So get Indus board guess paper for class 9 biology.

9th class biology guess board in urdu

The guess sheet provides an educated guess or prediction of the questions that may appear on an upcoming test. Students often use guess sheets as a tool to prepare for tests by practicing the types of questions that may be asked. In this case, bioassay is available in Urdu, which is one of the official languages ​​of Pakistan and is commonly spoken in Sindh province. This paper is designed to help students in Sindh who are studying Biology at 10th class level to prepare for their exams

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