Class 11th Biology Important Questions
11th class Biology Important Questions 2024 Punjab Board
You are browsing the right website for First Year Biology Important Question Paper 2024 in PDF format. You can find our Important Question for class 11 biology here. This quiz contains the most important MCQs, short questions and long questions. The Important Question we provide are valid for all Punjab boards in class 11. Many students practice Biology Important Questions 2024 by FAIZ UL ISLAM and get good marks in the exam.
The Living World
- Name three botanists who contributed to the field of plant taxonomy.
- Expand ICZN? (Clue: The organization that dictates the correct use of the scientific names of animals)
- What is a couplet in the taxonomic key?
- Define a monograph.
- Define metabolism.
- The mitotic cell division in amoeba represent growth or reproduction?
- Name a few botanical gardens in India. Also, name the largest botanical garden in the world.
- If a habitat contains 20 animal species and 20 plant species, is it “diversity” or “biodiversity”?
- Identify the correctly written scientific name for mango species- Mangifera indica/Mangifera Indica.
- Match the correct pairs.
Column I | Column II |
Family | Tuberosum |
Kingdom | Polynomials |
Order | Solanum |
Species | Plantae |
Genus | Solanaceae |
- What is the lowest category of classification?
- What are the Taxonomic keys?
- Who is known as the Father of Taxonomy?
- What are the 8 levels of taxonomy?
- What is Taxonomy?
- What is Reproduction?
- List out the building blocks of life?
- What is Biology?
- What is Biodiversity?
- What is DNA?
- What are Carbohydrates?
- What is Cellular organization?
- Short Questions?
- What are the units of classification followed by Botanists while classifying plants?
- Define the following?
- Phylum
- Class
- Order
- Genus
- State the differences between flora, fauna, and vegetation?
- What do you mean by endemic and exotic species? Give examples for each?
- The number and kind of organisms are not constant. Explain?
- Brinjal and potato belong to the same genus but different species. What separates the two species?
- What is a taxon? Give a few examples.
- A person living in a coma is considered living or dead?
- What are the different defining properties of a living organism?
- What is biodiversity?
- What is ICBN?
- What are the Building blocks of the living system?
- Write the full form for the following code – ICVN, ICBN, ICZN, ICNB?
- Define the following terms- Metabolism, Growth, and Development.
- What is binomial nomenclature?
Long Questions?
- What do you mean by living? Explain the defining characteristics of living organisms?
- With reference to Brassica compestris linn?
- Give the common name of the plant
- What do the first two words of the name indicate?
- Why is the scientific name written in italics?
- What does “linn.” mean?
- Differentiate between “whole moong daal” and “broken moong daal” in terms of respiration and growth?
- How will a scientist go about the identification, nomenclature and classification of a plant which he feels is a new species?
- What is Reproduction?
Biological Classification
- What advantages does the five-kingdom classification have over the two-kingdom classification?
- Why are cyanobacteria used in agricultural fields for crop improvement?
- Give an example of insectivorous plants?
- What similarities do a virus and non-living objects share?
- Why do polluted water bodies have an abundance of Nostoc and Oscillatoria?
- Name the eukaryotic kingdoms in the five-kingdom classification proposed by Whittaker?
- What is the nature of the cell wall in diatoms?
- Who proposed the five-kingdom classification?
- What is the difference between a virus and a viroid?
- State the uses of heterotrophic bacteria and archaebacteria which are economically important.
- The chemosynthetic bacteria are autotrophic or heterotrophic?
- Give an example of parasitic plants.
Short Questions
- What is diatomaceous earth? Why are diatoms referred to as ‘pearls of the ocean’?
- Explain the myth of ‘fairy rings’ created by the mushrooms after heavy rains in the forest.
- Why is Neurospora an important genetic tool?
- What is the role of fungi our daily lives?
- The ascomycetes produce fruiting bodies like apothecium, perithecium, or cleistothecium. What are the differences between these three fruiting bodies?
- Cyanobacteria and heterotrophic bacteria are very different from each other but fall under eubacteria of kingdom Monera. Is this type of grouping justified?
- What are Parasitic plants?
- What do you understand by ‘phycobiont’ and ‘mycobiont’?
- Are viruses living or non-living?
- What are the Insectivorous plants?
- Name a few plants that are partially heterotrophic.
Long Questions
- Give an account of the asexual reproduction by spores in algae.
- What are the characteristic features of euglenoids?
- How is ‘peat’ naturally formed?
- Enlist the various algae and fungi that have commercial values in medicines, food, and chemicals.
- What is Taxonomy?
- What are the advantages of five kingdom classification?
- How many types of bacteria are there?
- Which group of algae has mannitol as the reserve food material?
- Name the plants with
- Haplontic life cycle
- Diplontic life cycle
- Haplo-diplontic life cycle
- Roots are used for the purpose of absorption. What is equivalent to roots in less developed lower plants?
What is male and female sex organs in Bryophytes are called as?
Match the following:
Column I | Column II |
Chlamydomonas | Moss |
Cycas | Pteridophyte |
Selaginella | Algae |
Sphagnum | Gymnosperm |
- Cyanobacteria are classified under which kingdom?
- What do you mean by anisogamy?
- How many cells an embryo sac is made of?
- What are the three groups of plants that bear archegonia?
- Why are both gymnosperms and angiosperm in spite of both bearing seeds?
- What is an artificial system of classification?
- What is the Botanical name of sea palm?
- What is Chemotaxonomy?
Short Questions?
- Why are bryophytes considered amphibians of the plant kingdom?
- Compare the various reproductive parts of pteridophytes and gymnosperms with those of angiosperms?
- Does heterospory have some evolutionary significance in the plant kingdom?
- How far does Selaginella fall short of seed habit?
- Discuss the phylogenetic relationship of Cycas with any other group of plants?
- Describe the life cycle and nature of a fern prothallus?
- Differentiate between the male and female gametophytes of pteridophytes and gymnosperms?
- Mycorrhiza and coralloid roots are found in which plants? What do these terms mean?
- The heterosporous pteridophytes exhibit certain characteristics which are precursors to the seed habits in gymnosperms. Explain.
- What is the importance of Algae?
Long Questions?
- How is gametophyte a dominant phase in the life cycle of bryophytes?
- Describe the life cycle of a plant?
- What do you mean by double fertilization and triple fusion?
- What are parasitic algae?
Animal Kingdom
- In which phylum do the adults exhibit radial symmetry and larva exhibit bilateral symmetry?
- How are pneumatic bones and air sacs important in aves?
- Match the following:a) Amphibia Air B) Bladder Mammals C) Cartilaginous Notochord D) Chondrichthyes Mammary E) Glands Osteichthyes F) Pneumatic bones Cyclostomata Dual Habitat
- Aves Sucking and circular mouth without jaws
- Differentiate between diploblastic and triploblastic animals.
- Provide a technical term for the following:
- Blood filled cavity in arthropods
- A stinging organ of jellyfish
- Free-floating form of Cnidaria
- Lateral appendages in aquatic annelids:
- Give an example of: An oviparous mammal Roundw
- How do the roots of the plants growing in swamps and marshes obtain their oxygen?
- Name some modifications of plant parts for the purpose of photosynthesis.
- What are the edible parts of ginger and onion?
- Differentiate between pinnately compound leaf and palmately compound leaf?
- Explain different types of phyllotaxy with suitable examples.
- Describe the modifications of the stem. Give examples for the same.
- Which two roots develop from different parts of the angiosperm plant other than the radicle?
- Differentiate between the roots of aquatic plants and terrestrial plants.
- What role do the roots of the aquatic plants play?
- Name the floral parts of an angiosperm. Also, mention their arrangements.
- Why is the maize grain considered as a fruit and not as a seed?
- Ginger grows underground like any other root. Then why is it considered a stem and not root?
- Why is sunflower not a flower?
- Differentiate between the hypogeal germination and epigeal germination.
- Mention the role of cotyledons and endosperm in seed germination.
- What are Adventitious roots?
- Which is the edible part of the ginger plant?
- What is Venation?
- Which is the edible part in onion plant?
- Where does woad come from?
- Explain why maize grain is called as a fruit and not a seed?
- Explain why sunflower is not considered as a flower?
Anatomy of flowering plants
- Where is the product of photosynthesis stored?
- What cells curl the leaves in plants during water stress?
- What is a cambial ring comprised of?
- If a tree is debarked, what part of the plant is being removed?
- What are the three types of meristematic tissues?
- How is a cork formed in the plant? What is its commercial source?
- What are the differences between lenticels and stomata?
- Why do plants die when water excessively?
- Why and how do Palm increase in girth despite being a monocotyledonous plant?
- Is Pinus an evergreen tree?
- Why are phloem and xylem complex tissues?
- State the differences between the guard cells and epidermal cells. Which epidermal cell surrounds the guard cell?
- How are growth rings in a tree trunk formed? What is its importance?
- Name the modifications of epidermal cells and the functions performed by them?
- From which part of the plant are these plant fibres obtained?
- Jute
- Hemp
- Cotton
- Coir
- How is the age of the tree estimated?
- What are guard cells?
- What is gymnosperm? Give a few examples of gymnosperms?
- What is the classification of angiosperms?
- What are the reproductive parts of a flower?
- What are Permanent Tissues?
- Difference between Dicot Root and Monocot Root?
- What is secondary growth in roots?
- What is Hutchinson’s system of classification?
- List out the different types of tissues in plants?
- Give the differences between Xylem and phloem.
- Define the following terms:- Angiosperms, Monocotyledons and Dicotyledons.
- Give the differences between Dicot stem and monocot stem.
- What is the flowering plant and non-flowering plant? Give examples.
- Give the differences between sapwood and heartwood?
Structural Organisation in Animals
- Which sugar is present in milk? How many monosaccharide units does it contain?
- Which linkage connects the monosaccharide unit in a polysaccharide?
- Name an invert sugar. Why is it called so?
- What are the conditions when glucose is converted into gluconic and saccharic acid?
- Match the following:
Column I | Column II |
Compound epithelium | Alimentary canal |
Compound eyes | Cockroach |
Septal nephridia | Skin |
Open circulatory system | Mosaic vision |
Typhlosole | Earthworm |
- Mention the cellular components of blood?
State the functions and types of nephridia in an earthworm? - Mention the functions of each of the following:
Ureters in frog
Malpighian tubules
Body wall in the earthworm
Give a brief account of the circulatory system of earthworm. - Where are the following found in the animal body?
Ciliated epithelium
- What are the different cell junctions found in tissues?
- How are frogs beneficial for mankind?
- Where are the hepatic caecum in a cockroach located? What is its function?
- Give two identifying features of an adult male frog.
- Answer in one line:
- Where are the ovaries in a cockroach located?
- How many spermathecae are present in an earthworm?
- How many segments does the abdomen of the cockroach contain?
- What is connective tissue?
- Which organ is present both in male and female cockroaches?
- What is adipose tissue?
- Name the process by which a tadpole develops into an adult frog?
- What is the difference between cutaneous and pulmonary respiration?
- What is the common name of Periplaneta Americana?
- List out the cellular components of blood?
- Mention the function of Ureters in frog?
- What are osteoclast and osteoblast?
- What are Tissues? What are the 4 major types of tissues?
- What is the structural Organization of an animal?
- What are the functions of Muscular and Nervous tissue?
- Define organs and the organ system.
- What are the Epithelial Tissues?
- Which tissue provides support and surface for attachment of muscle?
- How many types of neurons are there?
The Unit of Life
- What is the importance of a vacuole in a plant cell?
- Match the following:
Column I | Column II |
Cristae | Fat membranous sacs in the stroma |
Cisternae | Infoldings in mitochondria |
Thylakoids | Disc-shaped sacs in Golgi apparatus |
- State the characteristics of prokaryotic cells.
- Multicellular organisms exhibit division of labour. Comment.
- Why is cell the basic unit of life?
- What do you mean by plasmids? What role do they play in bacteria?
- Describe the cell theory in brief.
- Differentiate between Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum and Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum.
- What is the biochemical composition of the plasma membrane?
- What is a mesosome?
- What are histones? What role do they play?
- What does “S” stand for in the 70S and 80S ribosome?
- Why are mitochondria known as the “powerhouse of the cell”?
- What is the fluid mosaic model of the plasma membrane?
- Who proposed the fluid mosaic model of the plasma membrane
- Define tonoplast?
- What is the significance of vacuole in a plant cell?
- What is the main function of the chloroplast in a plant cell?
- How many types of plastids are there in a plant cell?
- Who Discovered the cell?
- List out the functions of a Cell.
- What are Thylakoids?
- What is ATP?
- Where does the transpiration occur in the plant cell?
- List out the main differences between plant cell and animal cell.
- Define cell theory?
- Which cell organelle is found only in animal cells?
- What are the functions of Plant Cell?
- How many types of cells are there?
Chapter 9 Biology Biomolecules
- Classify the following based on whether they were initially received as a natural product or as a synthetic chemical. a) Penicillin b) Sulfonamide c) Vitamin C d) Growth hormone
- Classify the following into one of the appropriate bonds – ester bond, peptide bond, glycosidic bond, hydrogen bond. a) Polysaccharide b) Protein c) Fat d) Water
- Name any one sugar, amino acid, fatty acid, nucleotide.
- How are co-factors different from prosthetic groups?
- Chitin, Cellulose, Glycogen, Polysaccharides and Starch are present in the following options. Choose and write appropriately against each. a) Cotton fibre b) Exoskeleton of Cockroach c) Liver d) Peeled Potato
- Alanine and Glycine are different with regards to one substituent on the a-carbon. Mention other common substituent groups.
- Oxidoreductase catalyzes the following reaction between substrates A and A’, complete the reaction A reduced + A’ oxidized →
- What are Biomolecules?
- Which is the most abundant element found in living organisms?
- How many types of biomolecules are there?
Short Questions
- The functional groups in amino acids are weak bases and acids chemically, the ionization is affected by the pH of the solution. The activity for several enzymes is affected by the ambient pH and is depicted in the curve below, explain in brief.
- Can rubber be classified as a primary metabolite or a secondary metabolite? Write a short note on the rubber.
- Justify with the help of an example of why nucleic acids display secondary structure.
- The living state is a non-equilibrium steady-state to be able to perform work – Comment.
- What are the sources of Proteins?
Long Questions
- In catalyzed reactions, the formation of the enzyme-substrate complex is the first step. Explain the other steps until the formation of the product.
- Explain through the Watson-Crick model, the secondary structure exhibited by the nucleic acids.
- Differentiate between nucleotide and nucleoside. Give two examples of each with their structure.
- Explain the different forms of lipids with some examples.
- What are the main functions of carbohydrates?
Chapter 10 Cell Cycle and Cell Division
- Which cell between a eukaryote and a prokaryote has a shorter cell division time?
- Name the cell cycle phase that has the longest duration.
- Which stain is usually used to colour chromosomes?
- Name the plant and animal tissue that undergoes meiosis.
- How much time will two E. Coli cells take to become 32 cells if the average duplication time of E. coil is 20 minutes?
- Which human body part can be utilized to illustrate mitosis phases?
- For a chromatid to be classified as a chromosome, what attributes does it need to possess?
- During which phase of the cell cycle does the DNA get synthesized?
- Which phase is the longest in the cell cycle?
- Which stains are used to colour chromosomes?
Short Answer Type Questions
- What is the role of centrioles apart from spindle formation?
- What happens to the DNA of the plastids and mitochondria during nuclear divisions such as mitosis?
- A cell having 32 chromosomes undergoes mitotic division. During metaphase, what will the chromosome number (N) of the cell? During anaphase, what will the DNA content of the cell be?
- Which tissue of animals and plants exhibit meiosis?
- Under uncontrolled cell division, what is the pathological condition that occurs?
- Which is the cell that is captured in the diplotene phase for months and years? How does it complete its cell cycle?
Long Questions
- Telophase is the reverse of prophase. Elucidate the statement.
Describe the different phases of meiotic prophase – I. Mention the chromosomal events during each stage.
State differences between the events of meiosis and mitosis. - Explain:
a) Synaptonemal complex
b) Metaphase plate - Write the phases of the cell cycle against each of the events
- a) The disintegration of the nuclear membrane
b) The appearance of the nucleolus
c) Division of centromere
d) Replication of DNA
Chapter 11 Transport in Plants
- Addition of urea to flowering plants so as to grow faster in earthen pot results in the death of the plant after a while. What can be the cause?
- The direction and rate of Osmosis depend upon
- Water absorption by dry seeds from soil rises the __, hence aiding seedlings to appear out of the soil.
- What are solute potential and water potential?
- Explain how almost all the water moves into the root?
- Name a molecular movement that is highly selective requiring special membrane proteins without needing any energy.
- What is Transportation in Plants?
- How is the transportation process occurs in plants?
- What is Translocation?
- What are the different means of Transportation in plants?
- Define Plasmolysis and osmosis.
Short Questions
- How does the analysis of the exudate enable one to detect minerals and the form in which they are assembled in the plant?
- Name a method that can be used to increase the life span of cut plants in a vase.
- Does the rate of transpiration in different species of a plant cultivated in the same area differ at a particular time? Support your answer.
- Explain why the intracellular levels of K+ in animal cells are higher than the extracellular levels.
- Why do cut pieces of beetroot produce colour in hot water and not in cold water?
Long Questions
- Do plants require to adjust the solute types that arrive at the xylem? Name the molecules that assist in adjusting. How is the regulation of the type and quantity of solutes that reach the xylem brought about by the plants?
- State differences between permanent and temporary wilting.
- How are halophytes able to display a high precell pressure compared to the atmospheric pressure.
- Classify the following into semipermeable membrane (S.P) and selectively permeable (S.L)
- a) Animal Bladder
- b) Plasmalemma
- c) Tonoplast
- d) Parchment membrane
- e) Egg membrane
- List out the differences between Guttation and Transpiration in plants?
Chapter 12 Mineral Nutrition
- Give the name of a plant that accumulates silicon.
- How do entities in a mutualistic association benefit from each other as seen in mycorrhiza?
- Why is nitrogen fixation observed in prokaryotes and not eukaryotes?
- Name the nutrients obtained by carnivores such as venus flytrap and Nepenthes. Where do they obtain them from?
- Name a plant that lacks chlorophyll. How does it fulfil its nutritional requirements? Give an example.
- Write the name of an insectivorous angiosperm.
- Name the mineral element that is restored with the addition of Azotobacter culture to the soil.
- In the root nodule of a legume, what are the conditions posed by a leghaemoglobin?
- In the context of the mode of nutrition, what do the following share in common?
- Nepenthes, Drosera, Utricularia
- Zinc-deficient plants exhibit reduced biosynthesis of?
- Which is that macronutrient that is a component of all organic compounds but is not obtained from the soil?
- List one prokaryote that is non-symbiotic and fixes nitrogen.
- Name an important greenhouse gas produced by rice fields.
- For reductive amination, write the following equation.
- Why does an excess of Mn in soil lead to a deficiency of Ca, Mg and Fe?
Short Questions
- What is the importance of sulphur in plants? Name the amino acids which contain it.
- What is the significance of Pseudomonas and Thiobacillus in the nitrogen cycle?
- Observe the diagram and answer the following questions:
- a) What is the technique demonstrated in the figure? Name the scientist who demonstrated it for the first time.
- b) List any three plants on which this technique can be applied for commercial purposes.
- c) State the importance of the feeding funnel and aerating tube.
- Which is the most important enzyme present in root nodules for fixation? For its functioning, does it require the pink coloured pigment? Explain.
- In association with the concentration of an essential element in plants, differentiate between ‘critical concentration’ and ‘deficient’. Find the ‘critical concentration’ and ‘deficient’ values for – Fe and Zn.
- Explain the following with an example – Carnivorous plants exhibit nutritional adaptation.
Long Questions
- What are the essential elements for plants? State criteria for their essentiality. Give the classification of minerals basis the amount in which they are required by plants.
- What will it be beneficial to plants if they are supplied with excess nutrients? If no, why and if yes, how?
- Most of the crops are still cultivated on land despite hydroponics being a successful technique to grow plants. Why?
- What are the essential elements? Explain macro and microelements with examples?
Chapter 13 Photosynthesis in Higher Plants
- Observe the given figure:
- a) Is this composition present in a plant cell or animal cell?
- b) Can it be inherited by the offspring? How?
- c) Write the metabolic processes that are occurring at the places marked as (1) and (2) in the figureAnswer the following questions based on the equation given below:
- Answer the following questions based on the equation given below:
- 2H2O -> 2H+ + O2 + 4e– a) Where in plants does this reaction occur?b) What is the importance of this reaction?
- How do photosynthetic bacteria such as Cyanobacteria conduct photosynthesis in the absence of chloroplasts? a) Where is the enzyme NADP reductase located? b) What does the breakdown of proton gradient cause the release of?
- Can we perform girdling experiments on monocots? State why if yes or no.
- Does moonlight promote photosynthesis?
- Where in the chloroplast is the NADP reductase enzyme located? State its role in the proton gradient development.
- Name the two parts in ATPase enzyme. State their arrangement in the thylakoid membrane. Which part of the enzyme shows conformational changes?
- Name the products used to drive the dark reaction that is formed during the light reaction of photosynthesis.
- On what basis is the C3 and C4 pathways of photosynthesis selected?
Short Questions
- How are succulents able to meet their photosynthetic CO2 requirements as they are known to keep their stomata closed during the day to check transpiration?
- Define accessory pigments. State their significance in photosynthesis.
- Do photosynthetic reactions such as dark reactions require light? Explain.
- What is the relationship between photosynthesis and respiration?
- Can green plants kept in dark with proper ventilation carry out photosynthesis? Can they be administered with supplements to maintain survival or growth?
- How are short plants growing below thick canopies and receiving filtered light able to carry out photosynthesis in tropical rain forests?
- The rate of photosynthesis decreases at higher temperatures. Why?
- In a C3 plant, a light dependent cyclic process is occurring that requires oxygen. Instead of producing, it consumes energy. a) Name the process b) Is it necessary for survival? c) Write the end products of this process. d) Where does it take place?
- In a certain ‘X’ organism, a process is occurring throughout the day in which cells are participating. Water, ATP and carbon dioxide are evolved during the process and is not a light-dependent process. a) Which process is discussed above? b) Is the process a catabolic or anabolic process? c) Write the material of this process.
Name the pigment that causes the red colour in tomato and chillies. Is the pigment a photosynthetic pigment?
Explain why is the colour of a leaf in the dark changes? Which pigment do you think is more stable?
List out the differences in anatomy of leaf in C3 and C4 plants?
Long Questions
- Does photosynthesis occur in leaves only? If no, what are the other parts that are capable of carrying out photosynthesis? Justify. List the location in the cell where the following reactions take place during the process of photosynthesis.
- a) Synthesis of NADPH and ATP b) Photolysis of water c) CO2 fixation d) Synthesis of sugar molecule
- e) Synthesis of starch
- Name the pigment that is responsible for its ability to initiate the process of photosynthesis. The rate of photosynthesis is higher in the red and blue regions of the spectrum of light, why?
- What are the important events and end products of light reaction?
- Why photorespiration does not take place in C4 plants?
Chapter 14 Respiration in Plants
- How is the energy released and stored during oxidation of compounds in respiration?
- What is ‘Energy Currency’. Name the substance in animals and plants that act as an energy currency.
- In man and yeast, when does anaerobic respiration take place?
- On oxidation, which of these releases more energy? Organize them in an arranging order. a) 1gm of fat b) 1gm of protein c) 1gm of glucose d) 0.5gm of protein + 0.5gm of glucose
- Fo-F1 particles are involved in the synthesis of?
- What is the product of the following? a) Aerobic glycolysis in skeletal muscle b) Anaerobic fermentation in yeast
- Where is the electron transport system – ETS is located in mitochondria of a cell?
Short Answer Type Questions
- Why is a person fed with glucose or a fruit juice instead of a cheese sandwich that might give more energy, when a person is feeling dizzy?
- Aerobic respiration has more efficiency. Justify.
- The final product of glycolysis is pyruvic acid. Write the three metabolic fates of the pyruvic acid in anaerobic and aerobic conditions as seen in the diagram?
- Anaerobic respiration is observed in entities living such as human and angiosperms in aerobic conditions. Why?
- State why the respiratory pathway is referred to as an amphibolic pathway.
- Why are mitochondria called the powerhouse of the cell?
- What is the end product of oxidative phosphorylation?
- Explain the term “Energy Currency” of the cell?
Long Questions
- Explain the significance of Oxygen in aerobic respiration in the context of ETS.
- What are some of the assumptions we make in the respiratory balance sheet? Are these valid enough to be applied to living systems? State comparisons between aerobic respiration and fermentation corresponding to respiration.
- Explain Glycolysis. State where it occurs and its end products. In both aerobic and anaerobic respiration, determine the fate of these products.
Chapter 15 Plant Growth and Development
Fill up:
a) A stage of growth that is the rapid and maximum is
b) present in the apical bud in more numbers causes apical dominance as displayed in dicotyledonous plants.
c) Sites of photoperiodic perception in vegetative plants are
- List the PGS (Plant growth substances) that needs to be used to have practical applications in the following: a) Improve yield of sugarcane b) Increase lateral shoot growth c) The basis for the sprouting of potato tuber
- List three physiological processes in plants that are affected by light. a) Write two functions of the phytohormone – Gibberellins b) The seedling disease in rice caused by Gibberellin is due to which feature of it?
- Name the plant growth regulator that needs to be applied to improve the number of female flowers in a cucumber plant field.
- Where in plants are the below hormones manufactured? a) IAA B) Gibberellinsc) Cytokinins
- List out the Factors Affecting Plant Growth?
- What is Differentiation?
- What is Cell Maturation?
- What is Cell Enlargement?
Short Questions
- Write the structural features of
- a) Meristematic cells near the root tip
- b) The cells in the elongation zone of the root
- Is there a difference in the growth pattern of plants and animals? Do all parts of the plant grow endlessly? List the regions of the plant that can grow endlessly, if no?
- Explain the following with examples from various plant tissues
- a) Differentiation
- b) De-differentiation
- c) Redifferentiation
- Why is it difficult to designate any effect to a single hormone during experimentation?
- Where are plant hormones formed? How are the hormones passed to the specific site of activity?
- What are Plant growth regulators?
- Which plant hormone is used to manipulate and stimulate the maturation of sugarcane crop?
- What are the functions of Auxins in plant growth?
- Winter varieties, when planted in spring, do not produce flowers or mature grains within the span of a flowering season. Explain.
- Several variations of wheat are cultivated in autumn and harvested in the next midsummer.
- a) Give reason
- b) What is the flowering in lower temperatures referred to as?
- c) Name the plant hormone that can substitute for the cold treatment.
- List a hormone that:
- a) Is in nature, gaseous.
- b) Is in charge of phototropism.
- c) Influences femaleness in cucumber flowers.
- d) Is utilized to kill weeds(dicots).
- e) In long-day plants, induces flowering.
Chapter 16 Digestion and Absorption?
- What is the food called when food blends completely with acidic gastric juices of the stomach by the churning movements of the muscular wall?
- Name the tissue or cells that secrete the enzyme enterokinase, which activates Trypsinogen. How is it activated?
- Where in the alimentary canal, absorption of water, alcohol and simple sugars take place?
- List the enzymes that are involved in the breakdown of nucleotides into bases and sugars?
- What is digestion?
- Name the type of teeth-attachment to the jawbones wherein each tooth is embedded in a socket of jawbones.
- Which glands are associated with the alimentary canal?
- What is the Pancreas?
- What is the Liver?
- What are the functions of bile?
- Describe the process of elimination.
- What is constipation?
- Where does the process of digestion take place?
- What is the Alimentary Canal?
Short Questions
- What is the pancreas? What are the main secretions of the pancreas,which aids in digestion?
- Write the organs of the human alimentary canal. Mention the major digestive glands along with their locations?
- What is the significance of the gall bladder? Write the consequence if it stops functioning or is removed.
- Write the three major types of cells present in the gastric glands. List their secretions.
- How is the intestinal mucosa guarded against the acidic food entering from the stomach?
- What is the difference between digestion and absorption?
- What is the process of digestion and absorption of carbohydrates?
- What is digestion, mechanical digestion and chemical digestion?
- What are enzymes?
- What is indigestion?
Long Questions
- Write the changes occurring in the passage through the alimentary canal when a person has ingested roti and dal as part of his meal.
- Write the mechanism of absorption.
- What is the significance of hepato-pancreatic complex in digesting protein, carbohydrate and fat components of food?
- How does digestion occur in the buccal cavity? Explain with the arrangement of teeth.
- Define the following terms – Bolus, Mastication and Digestive Enzymes.
Chapter 17 Breathing and Exchange of Gases
- Define: a) Tidal volume b) Residual volume c) Asthma
- Write the name and important function of the fluid-filled double membranous layer surrounding the lungs.
- Which is the prime site for the exchange of gases in our body?
- Why does smoking cigarette cause emphysema?
- Organize the following in ascending order a) Tidal volume b) Residual volume c) Inspiratory reserve volume d) Expiratory capacity
- Write the organs of respiration in the entities given below: a) Flatworm b) Frog c) Birds d) Cockroach
- Mention the main parts involved in the initiating a pressure gradient between the lungs and the atmosphere during normal respiration.
- What Is Breathing?
- What are the formulae of Respiratory Quotient (RQ)?
- What is the exchange of gases?
Short Questions
- Write the various modes of transportation of carbon dioxide in the blood.
- Explain why the diffusion of carbon dioxide by the diffusion membrane per unit difference in partial pressure is much greater compared to oxygen.
- List the following steps in a sequential manner for the completion of the respiration process. a) Diffusion of oxygen and CO2 across the alveolar membrane b) Transportation of gases by blood c) Utilization of oxygen for catabolic reactions by the cells and hence the resultant release of CO2 d) Pulmonary ventilation through which atmospheric air is drawn in and carbon dioxide-rich alveolar air is given out e) Diffusion of oxygen and carbon dioxide between tissues and blood
- State the differences between the following: a) Expiratory and inspiratory reserve volume b) Total lung capacity and vital capacity c) Occupational respiratory disorder and Emphysema
- Name the organs of respiration in cockroach, earthworm and birds?
- What is Respiratory Quotient?
Long Questions
- Write a note on the mechanism of breathing
- Describe the role of the neural system in controlling respiration.
Chapter 18 Body Fluids & Circulation
- Which is the blood component that is straw coloured liquid and viscous?
- Fill up:
- a) The serum is the plasma without factors.
- b) Phagocytic cells are monocytes. c) Eosinophils are linked with _ reactions.
- d) In clotting, _ ions play an important role. e) In an ECG, one can determine the heartbeat rate by counting the number of _.
- What is the vascular connection between the digestive tract and the liver?
- Name the following disorders related to blood circulation a) Acute chest pain due to failure of oxygen supply to heart muscles b) Increased systolic pressure.
- Name the coronary artery disease that is caused as a result of the narrowing of the lumen of arteries.
- What happens if the blood does not coagulate?
- What is the role of the time gap in the passage of action potential from the sino-atrial node to the ventricle?
- Which are the most common symptoms observed in people infected with Dengue fever?
- What is the cardiac cycle?
- What is ECG?
Short Questions
- Give a reason why the walls of ventricles are thicker than atria.
- State the differences between the following: Lymph and blood Eosinophils and Basophils Bicuspid valve and tricuspid valve
- Answer the questions below: a) Which is the site where RBCs are formed? b) Name the part of the heart that initiates and maintains the rhythmic activity c) What is the heart of crocodiles specific amongst reptilians?
- What is the functional role of the lymphatic system?
- Why are thrombocytes necessary for blood coagulation?
- List out the functions of: Lymphatic System. Pulmonary vein. Lymphocytes.
- What are the symptoms of Hypertension?
- What are the causes of anemia?
- Define blood and lymph.
- What are the two types of the circulatory system?
Long Questions
- Describe the Rh-incompatibility in humans.
- Explain the events in the cardiac cycle. Describe ‘double circulation’.
- Explain: a) Hypertension b) Coronary Artery Disease
- Name the site where the selective reabsorption of filtrate from the Glomerular occurs.
- Name the excretory product of reptiles from the kidneys.
- Write the composition of the sweat secreted by the sweat gland.
- Which gland in the prawns performs excretory functions?
- What is the excretory structure in amoeba?
- Expand the following excretory functions: a) ANF b) ADH c) GFR d) DCT
- Write the significance of the sebaceous gland.
- What is the Renin-Angiotensin System?
- What is Micturition?
- What is Excretion?
Short Questions
- Describe the role of Renin-ngiotensin in the management of Kidney function.
- Give a reason why aquatic animals eat mostly ammonotelic in nature whereas terrestrial forms are not.
- Explain why the composition of glomerular filtrate is not the same as urine.
- What is the remedial measure advised for the correction of acute renal failure? Explain briefly.
- Why is the hemodialysis unit called an artificial kidney? Explain.
Long Questions
- Explain the micturition and disorders of the excretory system.
- What is the role of tubular secretion in maintaining acid-base and ionic balance in body fluids?
- Explain why in the loop of Henle, the glomerular filtrate gets concentrated in the descending limbs and diluted in the ascending limbs.
- Define the following term with examples. Ammonotelic organisms. Uricotelic organisms. Ureotelic organisms.
Chapter 19 Locomotion and Movement
- List the name of the human body cells/tissues that: a) Display ameboid movement b) Display ciliary movementA completely coordinated activity of muscular, __ systems leads to locomotion.
- Name the cell referring to sarcoplasm, sarcoplasmic reticulum, and sarcolemma. Also, list the parts of cells that refer to these names.
- Mark the components of the actin filament in the diagram given below:
- List the correct order of the middle ear bones called ear ossicles starting from the eardrum.
- State the difference between the matrix of bones and cartilage.
- Where in the body are the ball and socket joints present?
- What is locomotion?
- How is locomotion different from movement?
Short Questions
- Define the following terms concerning the rib cage: a) Bicephalic ribs b) True ribs c) Floating ribs
- Old people usually suffer from inflamed and stiff joints, name the condition. State the reasons for the symptoms.
- List two hormones causing fluctuation of Ca++ level.
- What is Gout?
- What is the significance of locomotion in animals?
- Where do muscle contractions derive their energy from?
Long Questions
- Does calcium ion concentration in the blood cause tetany in some cases? Compare fluctuation in blood calcium with tetany.
- How does the slipped disc affect the lower back and overall health?
- Describe the significance of Ca2+ ions in the contraction of muscles.
- State the differences between the pectoral and pelvic girdle.
- What are the different types of movements?
Chapter 20 Neural Control and Coordination
- Arrange the following in the accurate order of their association in electrical impulse movement – Synaptic knob, Axon terminal, Axon, dendrites, and Cell body.
- Name the retina cells that allow us to see colored objects.
- Rearrange the following in the sequential order of reception and transmission of sound waves from the eardrum –External auditory nerve, eardrum, cochlear nerve, malleus, stapes, incus, cochlea
- List the structures that protect the brain.
- What does the white and grey matter in the human brain indicate?
- Where in the human brain is the center for hunger located?
- Name the sense organ involved in vertigo.
- Where is the hunger center located in the human brain?
- What are the three layers of the human eye?
- Which is the photosensitive part of the human eye?
Short Questions
- State the difference between chemical and electrical transmission.
- Write the similarities between computers and neural systems. ( Hint: CPU, input-output devices)
- How could it affect a person’s CNS if he is attacked by a blow on the back of the neck?
- What is the role attributed to the Eustachian tube?
- What are the functions of the Eustachian tube?
Long Questions
- Describe the phenomena of release and transport of a neurotransmitter.
- List the human forebrain parts representing their respective functions.
- Describe the structure of the internal and middle ear.
Chapter 21 Chemical Coordination and Integration
- List the endocrine gland that is absent in males and the one absent in the female.
- Which amongst the two adrenocortical layers, zona reticularis, and zona glomerulosa lies outside wrapping the other?
- Define erythropoiesis. Name the hormone that triggers it.
- Which is the only hormone that is secreted by the pars intermedia of the pituitary gland?
- Which is the endocrine gland that secretes calcitonin? What role does this hormone play?
- Which hormone aids in cell-mediated immunity?
- State if true or false a) The gastrointestinal tract, heart, and kidney also produce hormones b) Pars distalis produces six trophic hormones
- Which hormone is responsible for the normal sleep cycle?
- Name the endocrine gland that secretes cortisol hormone.
- Name the endocrine gland, which is present only in females.
Short Questions
- State the significance of luteinizing hormones in males and females.
- Write about the importance of the second messenger in hormone action.
- Which is the steroid that controls inflammatory responses? Name its source and its other functions.
- Why do old people have a weak immune system?
- How does hypothyroidism affect the maturation and development of a growing baby, generally seen during pregnancy?
- Differentiate between hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism.
Long Questions
What are the causes and symptoms of hormonal disorders?
A milkman’s cow refuses to give milk. On being fondled by the calf, the cow produced enough milk. Explain the significance of the endocrine gland and the pathway related to this response. A urine sample contained increased content of glucose and ketone bodies. Answer the questions below basis this observation. a) Name the hormone and gland associated with this condition. b) On which cells do these hormones act? c) Name the condition. How can it be rectified?
Describe the importance of hormones and endocrine glands responsible for regulating the Calcium Homeostasis.
Explain why the hypothalamus is a super master endocrine gland.
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Important Question of Biology 1st year 2024 for punjab boards
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