Class 10th Computer Important Question
10th class Computer important Question 2024 Punjab Board
You are trying to get Computer Estimation Paper for Class 9 2024 in Urdu and English then you are on the right site. We have uploaded the best Class 9 PC quality grading sheet in both media. Our useful Computer Estimation Sheet for Class 9 is valid for all Punjab boards. Including BISE Faisalabad, BISE Lahore, BISE Gujranwala, BISE Dera Ghazi Khan (DG Khan), BISE Sargodha, BISE Sahiwal, BISE Multan and BISE Jammu Kashmir. Many students practice the important English questions 2024 of FAIZ UL ISLAM and get good grades in the exam.
Unit-1,Short Questions
What is programming language?
language programming used commonly are What .
Which thing we need to have for proper work? Give example from daily life.
List down five reserved words in C programming language.
Where we need to include header files?
Discuss the main parts of the structure of a C program.
example give and Constants Character Define .
float-Point Floating Define.
Attempt the question in detail.
What is Programming Environment? Explain Integrated Development Environment (IDE) & what is the role ofText Editor and Compiler for IDE?
Unit-2, Short Questions
What is the purpose of scanf() function in C language.
What is the use of getch() function in C language? Give example.
What is the purpose of escape sequences? them need we do Why? sequences escape are What .
Write a program that finds and displays the right most digit of an input number.
What is the difference between unary operators and .binary operators?
What is meant by precedence of operators? .
What is meant by precedence of operators? Which operator has the highest precedence in C language?
Attempt the question in detail.
Write a note on: (i)Unitary operator (ii) Binary operator (iii) Operator precedence.
Unit-3,Short Questions
What is conditional logic?
What is mean by control statement?
How many type of control statements in C language?
What is sequential statements?
Define selection statements?
Write name of selection statements types?
Describe general structure of the if-else statement?
Write a program that takes a character as input and
displays “DIGIT” if the character entered by user is a
digit between 0 to 9, otherwise displays “NOT DIGIT”?
Attempt the question in detail.
What is a Control Statement? How many types of control statement provided by C language?
Unit-4,Short Questions
How we declare an array?
Define array initialization and give example.
Write a program that stores the ages of five persons in an array, and them displays on screen.
How we can use variables as array indexes? Give example.
What is the use of loop structure? Give an example.
Write the general structure of loops.
Write a flowchart to understand the for loop.
How to Read values from Arrays using loop?
Attempt the question in detail.
What is Data Structure and Array? How we can access array elements? Explain with example.
Unit-5,Short Questions
Example give functionand Define?
Write down advantages of functions.
What is the advantage of function reusability?
What is the use of function signature?
What is the purpose of int square (int);?
What is the function of int largest (int, int, int);?
Write down the general strcture of a function definition.
Write a function is Prime() that takes a number as input and returns 1 if the input number is price, otherwise return 0. User this function in main().
Using this grade sheet in pdf format will help you understand what type of questions may be asked and how to conduct your paper. This is my guess based on the latest 9th grade syllabus and all past papers and exams in the past 10 years.
Download Computer Estimation Paper 2024 Class 9 PDF
As a 9th grade student, Computer is an important and compulsory subject for you. Computer science is a practical subject, which is why it is considered a difficult subject. But you don’t have to worry about the exam. Because we have uploaded the best guess of a 9th class computer to get a high score in the exam. This assessment sheet is based on the new Year 9 computer curriculum.
Our team created this PDF assessment sheet around students’ interests. Class 9 computer paper seems to be easy for any student to pass. You can understand the nature of the paper by reviewing the Class 9 Computer Estimation Paper. We have also uploaded computer matching program for class 9th. You can download and prepare them to score high in board exams. The schedule link is given below or you can search on our website. Please let us know if you find any errors.