2nd year computer Important Questions2nd year Important Questions

2nd year computer Important Questions

2nd year computer Important Questions 2024 Punjab Board

You are trying to get 12th class Computer estimation paper 2024 in urdu and Computer medium then you are on right website. We have uploaded the best quality estimate paper of class 12th Computers in both media.  Our useful Computer 12th class estimation paper is valid for all Punjab boards. including BISE Faisalabad, BISE Lahore, BISE Gujranwala, BISE Dera Ghazi Khan (DG Khan), BISE Sargodha, BISE Sahiwal, BISE Multan and BISE Jammu Kashmir. Many students practice Computer Important Question 2024 by FAIZ UL ISLAM and get good grades in the exam.

Unit 1

Q.Describe data manipulations.
Q.What is a field?
Q.Define program file with example
Q.Define program organization.
Q.Name different types of file organization.
Q.Differentiate between data and information.
Q.Define data processing.
Q.Define redundancy.
Q.Name two features of DBMS.

Unit 2

Q.What are properties of relation?
Q.Define indexes.
Q.Define foreign key.
Q.Define key. List different types of keys.
Q.Define data administration.
Q.Define table /relation
Q.How a relation is formed in database?
Q.What is an entity in an ERD.
Q.Who is user or end user?
Q.What is the purpose of using views?

Unit 3

Q.Define and attribute.
Q.Define data modeling.
Q.Define the purpose of feasibility study.
Q.What is E-R diagram?

Unit 4

Q.Transitive dependency.
Q.Define entity.
Q.Define integrity.
Q.Database integrity.
Q.Partial dependency

Unit 5

Q.Differentiae between form and report
Q.Database wizard/sample database
Q.How query is written
Q.List some advantages of IDE
Q.Uses of MS Access
Q.Enlist the parts of application window in MS Access.

Unit 6

Q.Primary key
Q.What is the use of data sheet views in MS Access?
Q.Cardinality of relation
Q.Degree of relation
Q.Write down two table vies available in Access.

Unit 7

Q.Sub form
Q.Uses of columnar forms
Q.Purpose of control naming convention
Q.Syntax of msg box
Q.What are methods in vb?
Q.Property window
Q.Code window
Q.Purpose of timer control
Q.Differentiate between key press and key up events
Q.Events of mouse
Q.Events of keyboard

Unit 8

Q.Define programming language
Q.Case sensitive in C language
Q.Preprocessor directive
Q.Differentiate between logical errors and syntax errors
Q.Header files
Q.Compiler and assembler
Q.Differentiate between source code and object code
Q.Deli meters
Q.Run time errors
Q.Structured programming language
Q.Visual basic
Q.Differentiate between visual programming and event driven programming language
Q.what is net function
Q.what is VBA?

Unit 9

Q.Define identifier with and example
Q.Differentiate between declaring and defining a variable
Q.Variables and two rules for naming variables
Q.Uses of assignment statement
Q.Operator precedent
Q.Define constant. List different types of constants
Q.Character constant
Q.Concatenation operator

Unit 10

Q.Standard input
Q.Escape sequence
Q.Getche () function
Q.Uses of format specifier in C language
Q.Use of scanf function
Q.Clrscr function
Q.Predict the output…..
Q.Trace the error in following code
Q.List some important function for input

Unit 11

Q.Control structure & selection structure
Q.Find output
Q.Explain if statement
Q.Find error…..
Q.Write syntax of if-else statement
Q.Why break statement is used in a switch () structure
Q.Switch statement

Unit 12

Q.While loop
Q.Sentinel control loop
Q.Write syntax of for loop
Q.Write syntax of do while loop
Q.What is iteration?

Unit 13

Q.Define function. List some benefits of using functions
Q.Local variables and its scope
Q.Compare local variables and global variables
Q.Function cell
Q.Actual parameters
Q.Build in functions
Q.Life time of local variables
Q.Function definition and function declaration/prototyping

Unit 14

Q.Compare binary and text stream
Q.Binary system
Q.Text files
Q.File losed
Q.Describe project file in VB
Q.Project explorer window
Q.Differentiate between method and property

Computer 2nd year important long questions

Q.What is data modeling? What are ingredients of data modeling? (unit 3)

Q.Explain different data types available in MS Access. (Unit 6)

Q.Define query. Explain the uses of wildcards in queries with examples. (Unit 6)

Q.Discuss different methods of modifying a table. (unit 6)

Q.Briefly describe the basic structure of a C program. (unit 8)

Q.While writing a c program, how many types of errors ca occur? Which one is the most difficult to locate and remove ( unit 8)

Q.How would you create, edit compile, link and execute a program? (Unit 8)

Q.Define a language processor or translator. Discuss different types of language processors. (Unit 8)

Q.Write a program that inputs a character and checks whether it is a wovel or consonantusing switch statement. (unit 11)

Q.Write a program that inputs a year and finds whether it is leap or not. Using if-else structure. (unit 11)

Q.Write a program that inputs a number and tells whether it is even or odd using if-else structure. (unit 11)

Q.What is while loop? Explain its working with an example and flow chart (unit 12)

Q.What is do-while loop. Write its syntax. Explain its working with example. (unit 12)

Q.What is nested loop? Explain with example and flowchart. (unit 12)

Q.What is for loop structure? Explain its working with example and flowchart. (unit 12)

Q.Define database system. Explain any three components of database system. (unit 1)

Q.What is key? Discuss different types of keys. (unit 1)

Q.What is ER model? What are symbols used in ER diagram? (unit 3)

Q.What is field property ? discuss different field properties in details (unit 6)

Q.Explain different types of relationships with details. (unit 3)

Q.What is filter? Discuss different types of filters in MS Access. (unit 6)

Using this estimation paper pdf will help you to understand what kind of questions might be asked and how to conduct your paper. This is my guess based on the recent syllabus of class 12th and all the past papers and exams in the last ten years.

Computer Estimation Paper 2024 Class 12th PDF Download

As a 12th grader, Computer is an important and compulsory subject for you. Computer science is a practical subject, and that is why it is considered a tough  12th class Computer to get high score in exam. This assessment paper is based on the new class 12h Computer syllabus.

Our team has created this assessment paper in PDF format on student interest. 12th class Computer paper seems to be easy for any student to pass. You can understand the nature of the paper by reviewing the 12th grade Computer estimation paper. We have also uploaded the 12th grade Computer matching program. You can download and prepare them to get high score in board exams. The schedule link is given below or you can search on our website. Please let us know if you find any errors.

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