9th Class English Chapter 6: Quaid’s Vision and Pakistanclass 9th notes

9th Class English Chapter 6: Quaid’s Vision and Pakistan

9th Class Chapter 6: Quaid’s vision and pakistan Short and Simple Question & Answer

Our experienced staff has prepared the class 9 English notes for Punjab Board english class 9 notes 2024 especially for class 9 science students. These are English notes for class 9 English guess paper and Important Question 2024. This is one of the best ways to get good marks in the exam. Many students practice 2024  English class 9 notes by FAIZ UL ISLAM and get good marks in the exam.

Q .1 Why Sultan Ahmed Mosque is also known as Blue Mosque?
 It is also known as blue mosque because of the blue tiles that embellish its interior.

Q.2 Who was appointed as the architect of the Mosque?
 The Royal architect Sedefhar Mehmat Aga, was appointed for the construction of the

Q.3 Why was a heavy iron chair hung at the entrance of the court?
 It was put there so that the Sultan had lower his head every time he entered in the court
to ensure humility.

Q.4 How does the interior of the Mosque look?
 It is embellished with blue tiles, which gives its interior an attractive look.

Q.5 Why do you think Madrassah and hospice was part of Mosque?
 I think that Madrassah was for the students who came to get religious education while
hospice was for the needy and destitute.

Q.6 Who constructed Mosque Sophia?
 It was constructed by “Isidoer of Miletus

Objective Type

Q1. Choose the word with correct spelling. (1 x 21 = 21)


a) Believers
b) Balievers
c) Beleevers
d) Beleivers


a) Thogh
b) Though
c) Theough
d) Thuogh


a) Interiar
b) Intiriar
c) Interior
d) Interieor


a) Adorned
b) Adurned
c) Adoorned
d) Eddurned


a) Design
b) Deesign
c) Dasign
d) Designe


a) Carvud
b) Karved
c) Carvid
d) Carved


a) Mosques
b) Mosk
c) Mosqoo
d) Maskews


a) Hospyce
b) Hospice
c) Hospise
d) Hospiec


a) Include
b) Inklude
c) Inqlude
d) Inclood


a) Flambuyant
b) Flamboyant
c) Flamboyant
d) Felmbouyant


a) Illuminate
b) Elluminate
c) Illumienete
d) Illuminait


a) Empire
b) Empare
c) Empere
d) Impire


a) Situated
b) Stiated
c) Siteited
d) Sichuated


a) Ceramany
b) Ceramnay
c) Ceremony
d) Sermonay


a) Magnificent
b) Magneficent
c) Megnificant
d) Magneeficent


a) Ensure
b) Inssure
c) Enshore
d) Ensare


a) Ambbition
b) Ambition
c) Ambetion
d) Ambotion


a) Chandeliers
b) Chandelere
c) Chandliar
d) Chenedleir


a) Empressive
b) Impressive
c) Ampressive
d) Ompressive


a) Minarets
b) Minarats
c) Meneretes
d) Menirits


a) Unmatched
b) Unmatchd
c) Ummatched
d) Unmetched

Q2. Choose the correct option according to the grammar. (1 x 9 = 9)

22) He is the richest man in the family.

a) No degree of an adjective
b) Superlative degree of an adjective
c) Comparative degree of an
d) Positive degree of an adjective

23) I cam earlier.

a) Adverb
b) Noun
c) Adjective
d) Verb

24) The worst is :

a) Superlative degree of an

b) Comparative degree of an
c) Positive degree of an adjective
d) Adverb

25) The mosque has a spacious forecourt. Adjective in the sentence is:

a) The
b) Mosque
c) Spacious
d) Forecourt

26) The construction of the mosque was started in 1609.

a) Noun
b) Verb
c) Phrase
d) Adjective of time

27) “In the upper of the court” is ____.

a) Verb
b) Conditional Clause
c) Phrase
d) Adjective

28) The floors are covered __:

a) For
b) With
c) To
d) By

29) There is a fountain which is rather small.

a) Relative pronoun
b) Indirect object
c) Pronoun
d) Adverb

30) The best is :

a) Positive degree
b) Comparative degree
c) Superlative degree
d) No degree

Q3. Choose the correct meaning of the underline word (1 x 15 = 15)

31) A heavy iron chain hangs in the upper part of the court entrance on the western side.

a) Easy
b) Light
c) Bold
d) Big

32) It was completed by his successor.

a) Coming after
b) Coming before
c) Successful
d) Son

33) The upper level of the interior is adorned with blue paint.

a) Higher
b) Lower
c) Outer
d) Super

34) Istanbul the largest city in Turkey.

a) Smallest
b) Greatest
c) Populated
d) Cultivated

35) It was constructed between 1609 to 1616.

a) Built
b) Borrowed
c) Purchased
d) Lent

36) Appointed means:

a) Selected
b) Rejected
c) Come
d) Heavy

37) Unfortunately means:

a) Bad luck
b) Greatly
c) Holy
d) Clearly

38) The word flamboyant means :

a) Colorful
b) Humble
c) Soft
d) Natural

39) Blue Mosque is unmatched in majesty.

a) Unfinished
b) Very simple
c) New
d) Matchless

40) The Sultan Ahmad Mosque is one of the most impressive monuments in the world.

a) Quality
b) Remarkable
c) Character
d) Hidden

41) It comprises a tomb of the founder, a madrassah and a hospice.

a) Rule
b) Well
c) An Inn
d) Finn

42) Blue tiles embellish its interior.

a) Decorate
b) Pack
c) Naughtily
d) Permanently

43) Frequented means:

a) Adolescent
b) Visited
c) Childhood
d) Young

44) ‘Interior’ of a room means:

a) Boundary
b) Inside
c) Outside
d) Floor

45) Adorned means :

a) Thud
b) Drift
c) Run
d) Decorated

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9th English class notes 2024 PDF Download

Since you are a 9th grade student, English  is an important and compulsory subject for you. English is a theoretical subject, so it is considered a difficult subject. No need to worry about the exam as we have downloaded the best class 9 English  guesses to score high in the exam. Our best guess consists of important short questions and long questions frequently asked in all Punjab boards in previous exams. We believe that any student can easily score well in class 9 English  exam. At the request of students, our team prepared this document. You can better understand the nature of the paper by using our English class 9 notes. By using these class 9 English notes PDF, you will understand what types of questions can be asked and how to conduct your class 9 English notes. To develop this estimate, I referred to all previous exams and past papers over the last ten years, along with notes from English 9.

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