9th Class English Chapter 3: MEDIA AND ITS IMPACTclass 9th notes

9th Class English Chapter 3: MEDIA AND ITS IMPACT

9th Class Chapter 3: Media and its impact Short and Simple Question & Answer

Our experienced staff has prepared the class 9 English notes for Punjab Board english class 9 notes 2024 especially for class 9 science students. These are English notes for class 9 English guess paper and Important Question 2024. This is one of the best ways to get good marks in the exam. Many students practice 2024  English class 9 notes by FAIZ UL ISLAM and get good marks in the exam.

Q .1 What is the most important function that media performs?
 the most important function of media is its role as the most powerful device of

Q.2 What are two major means of communication?
The two major means of communication are electronic media and print media.

Q.3 How does media provide entertainment?
 Media entertain us through films, radio, debates, television programs, internet, books,
magazines and newspapers.

Q.4 What happened when media is allowed to play its role unchecked?
It spreads false news against government.

Q.5 Give three reasons in support your favorite TV program?
 I like Neelam Ghar for the following reasons:
i. It is very informative program.
ii. It provides entertainment as well.
iii. It promotes brotherhood, unity and ideology of Pakistan.

Objective Type

Q1. Choose the word with correct spelling. (1 x 17 = 17)

a) Useual
b) Usual
c) Uasual
d) Ussual


a) Entertain
b) Entretain
c) Intertain
d) Entartain


a) Awereness
b) Awareness
c) Awarenas
d) Awarenees


a) Eogar
b) Eogor
c) Eigor
d) Eager


a) Ambitoin
b) Ambition
c) Ambetion
d) Embition


a) Through
b) Thrugh
c) Throagh
d) Thraugh


a) Ebsolute
b) Abselute
c) Absulote
d) Absolute


a) Opinion
b) Openion
c) Opineon
d) Openon


a) Eagirly
b) Eagerly
c) Eagerrly
d) Eggerly


a) Informatin
b) Infarmation
c) Infermation
d) Information


a) Audence
b) Audince
c) Audience
d) Audiance


a) Intigral
b) Integral
c) Antegral
d) Entegral


a) Politely
b) Polately
c) Plitely
d) Polytely


a) Communication
b) Comunication
c) Cammunication
d) Cooummunecation


a) Media
b) Mydeia
c) Media
d) Moedia


a) Attract
b) Atreak
c) Atract
d) Atrect


a) Student
b) Studant
c) Stjudent
d) Stdunet

Q2. Choose the correct option according to the grammar. (1 x 10 = 10)

1)This is my book.Here book is a/an

a) Pronoun
b) Adjective
c) Verb
d) Noun

2) are a doctor.

a) Adverb
b) Pronoun
c) Verb
d) Noun

3)Media helps people knowledge.

a) Infinitive
b) Noun
c) Auxiliary
d) Article

4) are born great.The underlined word is a/an

a) Personal pronoun
b) Reflexive pronoun
c) Indefinite pronoun
d) Possessive pronoun

5) go to school daily.The underlined word is a/an .

a) Relative pronoun
b) Personal pronoun
c) Indefinite pronoun
d) Reflexive pronoun

6)You will hart yourself.Here yourself is a pronoun .

a) Personal pronoun
b) Reflexive pronoun
c) Possessive pronoun
d) Indefinite pronoun

7)Media th large attention of a very audience.

a) Attractive
b) Attracting
c) Attracts
d) Attract

8)The students look forward.The underlined word is

a) Adverb of time
b) Adverb of frequency
c) Adverb of degree
d) Adverb of manner

9)”Knowledge of the world” is

a) Adjective
b) Phrase
c) Verb
d) Preposition

10)Do you agreeme?

a) None of these
b) With
c) So
d) In

Q3. Choose the correct meaning of the underline word (1 x 11 = 11)

1)The wordmeans

a) Demonstration
b) Expression
c) Reporting
d) Planning

2)The topic for today’s discussion is Role of media and its .

a) Outstanding
b) wonderful change
c) Powerful effects
d) Lovely change

3)The students are all

a) Ready
b) Sure
c) Nasty
d) Society

4)The students attend her class.

a) Permanently
b) Rightly
c) Absolutely
d) Full of keen desire

5)Media plays a very role foe society.

a) Complex
b) Positive
c) Negative
d) Easy

6)She takes the roll-call.

a) Turn
b) Bread roll
c) Phone call
d) Attendance check

7)We in different games

a) Watch
b) Take part
c) Like
d) Choose

8)Can we say the world is

a) Very near
b) Far away
c) In the way
d) Out of the way

9) means

a) Realization
b) Bad
c) Goodness
d) Conscious

10) means

a) Tall
b) Complete
c) Victim
d) Aware

11)Media plays a very constructive foe society.

a) Function
b) Awareness
c) Opinion
d) Information

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9th Englishclass notes 2024 PDF Download

Since you are a 9th grade student, English  is an important and compulsory subject for you. English is a theoretical subject, so it is considered a difficult subject. No need to worry about the exam as we have downloaded the best class 9 English  guesses to score high in the exam. Our best guess consists of important short questions and long questions frequently asked in all Punjab boards in previous exams. We believe that any student can easily score well in class 9 English  exam. At the request of students, our team prepared this document. You can better understand the nature of the paper by using our English class 9 notes. By using these class 9 English notes PDF, you will understand what types of questions can be asked and how to conduct your class 9 English notes. To develop this estimate, I referred to all previous exams and past papers over the last ten years, along with notes from English 9.

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