9th Class English Chapter 10: DrugAddiction
9th Class Chapter 10: Drugaddiction Short and Simple Question & Answer
Our experienced staff has prepared the class 9 English notes for Punjab Board english class 9 notes 2024 especially for class 9 science students. These are English notes for class 9 English guess paper and Important Question 2024. This is one of the best ways to get good marks in the exam. Many students practice 2024 English class 9 notes by FAIZ UL ISLAM and get good marks in the exam.
Q .1 What are the affect of drug addiction?
ANS Long term use of drugs causes permanent mental and physical sickness.
Q.2 What are the causes of the drug addiction?
ANS Drug addiction is caused by genetic and environmental factors.
Q.3 What important role do rehabilitation centers play to control drug addiction?
ANS These centers strictly supervision the victims. They provide complete medical guidance
and support to victims.
Q.4 What is the role of counseling in preventing drug addiction?
ANS The factors that helps in rehabilitation of the drug victim is proper counseling. The sooner
it is done better for the victim.
Q.5 Why did families feel reluctant to take the drug victims to drug rehabilitation centers?
ANS They are reluctant to the drug victim to rehabilitation centers for fear of being insulted by
their relatives and friends.
Q.6 What are the responsibilities if families to ensure complete recovery of such patients?
ANS They must continue critically watch and counsel the victim for better motivation and
Objective Type
Q1. Choose the word with correct spelling. (1 x 22 = 22)
a) Torble
b) Trouble
c) Truble
d) Trrubble
a) Domistic
b) Doemistic
c) Domestic
d) Domastic
a) Clients
b) Klients
c) Cliants
d) Claents
a) Elimenate
b) Iliminate
c) Eliminate
d) Eliminae
a) Relepse
b) Relapse
c) Relayps
d) Relapes
a) Iddiction
b) Addiction
c) Adicetion
d) Eddiction
a) Nomorous
b) Numberous
c) Nomarous
d) Numerous
a) Ectivate
b) Ectiviate
c) Activate
d) Aectivate
a) Consurvation
b) Consarvation
c) Conservation
d) Cunservation
a) Tabo
b) Tabu
c) Tabbu
d) Taboo
a) Tendency
b) Tindency
c) Tendancy
d) Tendincy
a) Curative
b) Curetive
c) Curateve
d) Crative
a) Serious
b) Sarious
c) Searious
d) Saerious
a) Resort
b) Ressort
c) Rasort
d) Raesort
a) Envormmental
b) Invermontal
c) Invormental
d) Environmental
a) Experement
b) Experemant
c) Experiment
d) Exparament
a) Influence
b) Influance
c) Infloance
d) Influense
a) Careless
b) Careles
c) Caerless
d) Carless
a) Impossible
b) Imposible
c) Empossible
d) Implissble
a) Dependence
b) Dependense
c) Depandance
d) Dipendance
a) Drugs
b) Durgs
c) Dgrus
d) Dorogus
a) Defficult
b) Difficult
c) Deficult
d) Dificult
Q2. Choose the correct option according to the grammar. (1 x 11 = 11)
23) A relative pronoun is a word that works as:
a) Conjunction
b) Article
c) Adjective
d) Past participle
24) I was upset.
a) Past participle
b) Present participle
c) Personal pronoun
d) Gerund
25) My mother cooks the food which I like.
a) Relative pronoun
b) Reflexive pronoun
c) Possessive pronoun
d) Subjective pronoun
26) Drug addiction is a very serious threat.
a) Adverb
b) Noun
c) Adjective
d) Conjunction
27) The moment which is lost forever.
a) Indefinite pronoun
b) Reflexive pronoun
c) Possessive pronoun
d) Relative pronoun
28) Drugs are considered severely harmful for human health.
a) Adverb of reason
b) Adverb of place
c) Adverb of degree
d) Adverb of manner
29) The people who are dissatisfied and discontented.
a) Noun
b) Verb
c) Phrase
d) Relative noun
30) What do you understand by the term “Counseling”?
a) Verb
b) Noun
c) Interrogative adjective
d) None
31) These centers strictly supervise the victim.
a) Interrogative pronoun
b) Adverb of manner
c) Noun
d) Adjective
32) They undergo many serious problems such as poverty, family and health problems.
a) Abstract noun
b) Indirect object
c) Pronoun
d) Adverb
33) Drug addiction is a global issue.
a) Verb
b) Adjective
c) Noun
d) Article
Q3. Choose the correct meaning of the underline word (1 x 13 = 13)
34) Discontented means:
a) Satisfied
b) Dissatisfied
c) Attached
d) Detached
35) Taboo means:
a) Useful
b) Curative
c) Forbidden
d) Right
36) Hurt means:
a) Anxious
b) Tease
c) Disturb
d) Injure
37) In order to escape from:
a) Mellow
b) Hide
c) Scot free
d) Sharp
38) Drug addiction is a common problem.
a) Decided
b) Mutual
c) General
d) Famous
39) Out cast means:
a) Vagabound
b) Bond
c) Banned
d) Virtuous
40) We are trying to eliminate drug addiction.
a) Increase
b) Decrease
c) Wipe out
d) Maintain
41) Curative means:
a) Intend to health
b) Intend to cure
c) Intend to recover
d) Intend to richness
42) Genetic means:
a) Relating to public
b) Relating to human being
c) Relating to creation
d) Relating to genes
43) There are many forms of drug addiction, but the most dangerous of all is the absolute dependence on it.
a) Salute
b) Complete
c) Defective
d) Sloppy
44) One of the causes of drug addiction is bad peer influence.
a) Primary
b) Check
c) Have effects upon
d) Respect
45) There are many rehabilitation centers in Pakistan.
a) Process
b) Recovery
c) Undergo
d) Row
46) There is a danger of relapse even after the recovery process.
a) Start
b) Fall apart
c) Tab
d) Go back to
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9th Englishclass notes 2024 PDF Download
Since you are a 9th grade student, English is an important and compulsory subject for you. English is a theoretical subject, so it is considered a difficult subject. No need to worry about the exam as we have downloaded the best class 9 English guesses to score high in the exam. Our best guess consists of important short questions and long questions frequently asked in all Punjab boards in previous exams. We believe that any student can easily score well in class 9 English exam. At the request of students, our team prepared this document. You can better understand the nature of the paper by using our English class 9 notes. By using these class 9 English notes PDF, you will understand what types of questions can be asked and how to conduct your class 9 English notes. To develop this estimate, I referred to all previous exams and past papers over the last ten years, along with notes from English 9.