1st year Physics Guess Papers

1st year Physics Guess Papers

1st year Physics guess papers 2024 Punjab Board

You are browsing the appropriate web page for 1st Year Physics Guess Paper 2024 in PDF format. You can find our guess papers for Class 11 Physics here. This guess contains the most important MCQs, short questions and long questions.  The guess papers we provide are valid for all Punjab boards in class 11. Many students practice Physics Guess Paper 2024 by FAIZ UL ISLAM and get good grades in the exam.

Important short questions chapter wise:

Chapter 1:

precision and accuracy definitions, + all exercise questions

Chapter 2:

complete chapter along with numericals

Chapter 3:

Definitions of: elastic collision, inelastic collision, vector, torque, null
vector, isolated system, range of projectile, projectile motion, momentum, time of
flight of projectile
Exercise short questions: 3.2 – 3.10


Definitions of work, energy, power and their units, energy and its
types, escape velocity, work-energy principle, Ex Questions: 4.1-4.5, 4.10

Chapter: 5:

all exercise questions

Chapter 6:

Exercise short questions (6.2 – 6.8) + definitions of terminal velocity,
fluid dynamics, the venturi effect, Stokes’ law, equation of continuity, Bernoulli’s

Chapter 7:

Ex questions 7.1, 7.2, 7.4, 7.5 – 7.10

Chapter 8:

Ex questions 8.4 – 8.8 + definitions of stationary waves, periodic
waves, beats

Chapter 9:

Definitions of the wavefront, Hygen’s principle, diffraction, uses and
properties of x-rays, Ex Questions 9.1-9.7

Chapter 10:

Definitions of critical angle, refractive index, total internal reflection,
a convex lens and the concave lens, resolving power and magnification + Ex
Questions 10.1-10.5

Chapter 11:

Heat and temperature, the molar specific heat of a gas, reversible
process, kinetic theory of gas, Boyl’s Law, entropy and negative entropy, Ex
Questions: 11.5 -11.13

Important Long Questions and Numerical:

Chapter 2:

1. EXAMPLE NO: 2.5 (from chapter 2)
2. Explain cross product or vector of two vector state right hand rule and give at
least four characteristic. 3. Define vector product or cross product. Explain with
right hand rule and give four characteristics of cross product.

Chapter 3

4. State and explain the law of conservation of linear momentum.
5. What is projectile? Derive expressions of the i) Maximum Height ii) Horizontal
6. Find angle of projection of a projectile for which its maximum height and
horizontal range are equal.
7. Define Elastic and Inelastic collision. Discuss elastic collision in one dimension
and show that velocity of approach is equal to the velocity of separation
NUMERICALS: 3.5, 3.10, 3.11 +Examples 3.2, 3.7

Chapter 4

8. Define escape velocity. Derive an expression of escape velocity and calculate its
value on the Earth’s surface.
9. Define absolute potential energy. Derive its mathematical expression.
10. Define gravitational field. Show that gravitational field is conservative field.
NUMERICALS: 4.3, 4.4, 4.7, 4.8 + Examples 4.3

Chapter 5

11. Explain Rotational kinetic energy. Find rotational kinetic energy of a disc and
12. What are geostationary satellites? Derive the relation/expression for radius of
geostationary orbit.
NUMERICALS: 5.6, 5.3, 5.10

Chapter 6

13. State Bernoulli’s theorem. Also derive Bernoulli’s equation.
14. An airplane wing is designed so that the speed of the air across the top of the
wing is 450 ms-1 the speed of air below the wing is 410 ms-1. What is the pressure
difference between the top and bottom of the wings? Density of air = 1.29 kgm-1
15. What gauge pressure is required in the city mains for a stream from a fire hose
connected to the mains to reach a vertical height of 15 m?

Chapter 7:

16. Prove that total energy of amass spring system remains constant.
17. What is simple pendulum? Show that the motion of simple pendulum is simple
harmonic motion. Also calculate the time period of the simple pendulum.
NUMERICAL: 7.1, 7.3 , 7.4, 7.5

Chapter 8:

18. Show that vt = ve + 0.61t
19. Derive Newton’s formula for the speed of sound in air and describe the
correction by Laplace in it.

20. Describe the transvers stationary waves in a stretched string. Show that the
frequencies of stretched string are quantized.
20. Define Doppler’s effect, Derive apparent frequency if. a) Observer moves
towards the stationary source b) Observer moves away from the stationary source.
NUMERICALS: 8.5, 8.6

Chapter 9

21. Discuss in detail the Young’s double slit experiment to study the interference
of light.

We are providing free 1st Year Physics Guess Paper PDF 2024 to all Punjab Board students. Based on Punjab Board Model for Physics Board Examination 2024, these guess papers are prepared by our team. All students from different Punjab boards can use Class 11 Physics Guess Paper to get good marks. For FSC Part 1, Physics 1st Year Guess Paper 2024 is very useful for you if you hope to get good marks.

Physics guess paper first year 2024

In order to prepare you for the Class 11 Physics exam, we have published Physics Guess Sheet. Physics Class 11 guess papers from our website are equally useful for all Punjab boards. In addition to BISE Lahore, BISE Jammu Kashmir, BISE Gujranwala, BISE Sahiwal, BISE Sargodha, BISE DG Khan, BISE Faisalabad, and BISE Multan. Physics paper guess 1 year 2024.

1st year Physics guess paper 2024 for punjab boards

It is said that studying Physics is one of the most difficult sciences  Science. Furthermore, the mathematics used in studying Physics at the secondary level is similar to that used in studying Physics at the primary level. Weak candidates are not interested in this field. You may have known the importance of the topic after discussing the topic. We prepare these guess papers according to the needs of the students. You can easily get 80% marks after preparing these guess papers.

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