1st year Chemistry Guess Papers
1st year Chemistry guess papers 2024 Punjab Board
You are browsing the appropriate web page for 1st Year Chemistry Guess Paper 2024 in PDF format. You can find our guess papers for Class 11 Chemistry here. This guess contains the most important MCQs, short questions and long questions. The guess papers we provide are valid for all Punjab boards in class 11.Many students practice Chemistry Guess Paper 2024 by FAIZ UL ISLAM and get good grades in the exam.
i) What are monoisotopic elements? Give name and symbol of such an element.
ii) Why theoretical yield of a chemical reaction is greater than the actual yield?
iii) Give Stoichiometric assumptions.
iv) Law of Conservation of mass has to be obeyed during stoichiometric calculations.
i)Define stoichiometry, Give its ass Give its assumptions. Mention two important laws which help to perform the stoichiometric calculation.
ii)Define yield. How do calculate the percentage yield of chemical reaction? Also mention the factors which are responsible for how yield of product.
i) Write are uses of chromatography?
ii ) Differentiate between stationary and mobile phase used in chromatography.
iv) What is Rf value? Why it has no units?
V) Describe Ether Extraction.
vi) Difference between Adsorption chromatography and Partition chromatography
i) Write expression for kinetic equation and root mean square velocity of gases.
ii) Derive Boyle’s law from KMT.
iii) Explain the plot of PV versus P is a straight line at constant temperature and with a fixed number of moles of an ideal gas.
iv) What is plasma? How is it formed? Write four application/uses of plasma.
v) State Dalton’s law of partial pressure. Write its two applications.
vi) Why pilots feel uncomfortable breathing in unpressurised cabin?
vii) Derive molecular mass of a gas by general gas equation.
i) Describe monomeric method for determination of vapour pressure of a liquid with diagram.
ii) Classify solid on the basis of bonding. Ionic solid, covalent solids, metallic solid with its properties.
iii) Define liquid crystals and write their uses.
iv) What is H-Bonding? Discuss H-bonding in biological compounds and ice.
v) 350 cm3 of sample of hydrogen effuses four times as rapidly as 250 cm3 of an unknown
a gas. Calculate the molar mass of unknown gas?
vi) One mole of methane is maintained at 300K. Its volume is 250 cm3. Calculate the vi)
vii) pressure exerted by the gas when it considered as an ideal gas. Calculate the mass of 1 dm3 of NH3gas at 30 oC and 100 mm/Hg pressure, considering
i) What is the role of Hydrogen bonding in biological compounds
ii)What are dipole-dipole forces? How they affect thermodynamic properties of substences.
iii) Differentiate between intermolecular and intermolecular forces.
iv) In the hydrogen bonded structure of HF, which is the stronger bond.
i)What are Intermolecular forces? Write the name of different types of their forces nd explain instantaneous dipole-induced dipole force
ii) Ethylene glycol is used as automobile
iii) Explain hydrogen bonding in NH3, H2O and HF, How it is helpful in explaining the structure of ice.
iv) Write a note on three factors that affecting the London forces
v) Explain action of soaps and detergents in light of hydrogen bonding.
vi) Define liquid crystal with one example
i) Calculate the radius of nth orbit for hydrogen atom .
ii) Difference between atomic emission spectrum and atomic absorption spectrum.
iii) State Moseley’s law. Give Mathematical expression.
iv) Describe Zeeman’s and Stark’s effect?
v) How does Bohr introduce Plank’s quantum theory in his model? Give its two postulates.
vi) vii) Difference between line spectrum and continuous spectrum? How does the Bohr’s model justify the Moseley’s equation?
viii) Difference between bonding molecular orbital and anti-bonding molecular orbitals.
i)Define hybridization and explain structure of water va.com on i its basis.
ii) Sp2 and Sp hybridization with Lexamples. O
iii) Explain ionization energy giving one example Also describe its periodic trend NW THERMOCHEMISTRY
i) Define ionic and covalent radii.
ii) Define Covalent Radius with an example.
iii) Why Cationic radii are smaller than Anionic radii?
iv) Why ionization energy values are decreased from top to bottom in a group?
v) Ionization energy is index to the metallic character, why?
vi) Describe variation of electron along group periods.
vii) Difference between IE and EA
vili) Define electronegativity and give it trends in periodic table.com
ix) Why polar bond is stronger than non-polar bonds?
x) Why the ion pair electrons repel strongly than the bond pair of electrons?
xi) What is meant by symmetry? Give elements of symmetry.
i) Give important postulates of VSERP theory?
ii) Explain Sp3 hybridization with the help of two examples?
iii) Define orbital hybridization. Classify it and explain structure of ethane in view of orbital hybridization.
iv) Define dipole moment. Give its SI units. Explain the geometry of CO2, BF3 and, H2O by dipole moment.
i) Difference between spontaneous and non-spontaneous reactions.
ii) Differentiate between acidic buffers and basic buffers with example of each.
iii) How a basic buffer can be prepared. Define buffers and buffers capacity. Also explain the uses.
iv) What is Henderson equation for acids and buffers?
V) The change of volume disturbs the equilibrium position for some of the gaseous phase reactions but not the equilibrium constant.
vi) What is common ion effect explain with the example of NaCl
vii) Give application of common ion effect (any two)
viii) The enthalpy of neutralization of all the strong acids and strong bases has the same value. Justify.
ix) How will you differentiate between Delta E and Delta H? Is it true that Delta H and Delta E have then same values for the reactions taking place in the solution state?
i) Define and explain Hess’s law of constant heat summation with examples.
ii) Define Enthalpy of reaction how is it measured by glass calorimeter?
iii) Define enthalpy and prove that qp = Delta H
iv) What is the first law of thermodynamics? Give its mathematical form.
v) Prove that AH=qpii.AE=qv?
vi) Neutrization of 100 cm3 of 0.5 M NaOH at 25 oC with 100 cm3 of 0.5 M HCl at 25 oC raised the temperature of reaction mixture to 28 oC. Find the enthalpy of neutralization. Specific heat of water = 4.2 JK-1g-1?
Q.3 CHAPTER NO. 2, 4, 9, 11
i) What conditions are required for the best possible yield of SO3?
ii) Define common ion effect with one example.
iii) What do you mean by acidic buffers and basic buffers? Give one example of each.
iv) What is Henderson’s equation and for which purpose it used.
v) Explain the term Buffer Capacity.
vi) Define buffer solution. Why do we need term in daily life
vii) Define pH and pOH. How are the related with pKw
viii) Define acid and base by Lowry-Bransted concept?
i) What is the percentage ionization of acetic acid in a solution in which 0.1 moles of it has been. dissoiced per dm2 of solution? Ka for CH3COOH = 1.85x 105
ii) Define common ion effect. Give its two application.
iii) N2 and H2 combine to givNH3. The value of Kc in this reaction at 500 oC is 6.0 x10-2. Calculate the value of Kp for this reaction?
iv) The solubility of PbF2 at 25 oC is 0.64 g dm-3. Calculate Ksp of PbFw. (Molecular mass of PbF2 = 245.2 g mol-1).
i) Difference between ideal and non-ideal
ii) What is discontinuous solubility curve? Give one example
iii) Boiling points of the solvents increase due to the presence of solutes. Give reason.
iv) What are Colligative properties? And why they are called so?
i) Briefly explain the any four industrial importance of electrolysis process. Explain the phenomena of electrolysis of aqueous solution of NaCl
ii)What is Saturated Hydrogen Electrode (SHE)?
iii) How it is used to measure the electrode potential of zinc?
iv) What is electrochemical series? Give its applicat applications
v) Write a note on Nickel Cadmium cell.
i) Calculate oxidation number of chromium in the following compounds.
i) Crel2 ii) K2CrO4.
ii) Define Oxidation number and calculate the oxidation state of underlined element. H2PO4, Ca(ClO3)2
iii) Difference between primary and secondary cell.
iv) What is Anodized Aluminum?
v) Define voltaic cell in Reversible cell state.
vi) Give the chemistry of electrolysis of aqueous solution of sodium chloride.
vii) Impure copper can be purified by electrolytic process. Explain it.
viii) Explain Function of salt bridge?
ix) SHE act as anode when connected with Cu electrode but as cathode when connected with Zn electrode, Justify.
i) Describe the electrolysis of molten sodium chloride and concentrated solution of sodium chloride?
ii) Give four industrial importance of electrolysis process in detail?
iii) What is electrochemical series? Give four application.
iv) Discuss lead accumulator, explaining it’s discharging and recharging
i) Difference between homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis?
ii) How are enthalpy changes of reaction and energy of activation of reaction distinguished?
iii) Define rate of reaction.
iv) What is meant by order of reaction? Give an example.
v) Define half-life period. How it is used to determine the order of reaction?
vi) What do you meant by Activation complex of a reaction?
vii) The radioactive decay is always a first order reaction.
viii) The sum of the coefficients of a balanced chemical equation is not necessarily important to give the order of a reaction.
i) How does Arrhenius equation help us to calculate the energy of activation of a reaction? What is Catalysis?
ii) Differentiate between homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis with example in each.
iii) Write down any four characteristics of a catalyst.
We are providing free 1st Year Chemistry Guess Paper PDF 2024 to all Punjab Board students. Based on Punjab Board Model for Chemistry Board Examination 2024, these guess papers are prepared by our team. All students from different Punjab boards can use Class 11 Chemistry Guess Paper to get good marks. For FSC Part 1, Chemistry 1st Year Guess Paper 2024 is very useful for you if you hope to get good marks.
Chemistry+ guess paper first year 2024
In order to prepare you for the Class 11 Chemistry exam, we have published Chemistry Guess Sheet. Chemistry Class 11 guess papers from our website are equally useful for all Punjab boards. In addition to BISE Lahore, BISE Jammu Kashmir, BISE Gujranwala, BISE Sahiwal, BISE Sargodha, BISE DG Khan, BISE Faisalabad, and BISE Multan. Chemistry paper guess 1 year 2024.
1st year chemistry guess paper 2024 for punjab boards
It is said that studying chemistry is one of the most difficult sciences Science. Furthermore, the mathematics used in studying chemistry at the secondary level is similar to that used in studying chemistry at the primary level. Weak candidates are not interested in this field. You may have known the importance of the topic after discussing the topic. We prepare these guess papers according to the needs of the students. You can easily get 80% marks after preparing these guess papers.
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