10th Class Physics Chapter 17: Information and Communication Technology
10th Class Chapter 17: Information and Communication Technology Short and Simple Question & Answer
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Q 1. What is difference between data and information?
Ans: Data: a representation of facts, concepts or instructions in the formalized manner suitable for communication, interpretation or processing by humans or machines is called data. OR Data is a collection of facts. It is raw material of information. Examples: Numeric Data, Alphabetic data Information: the raw facts arranged in suitable manner provide information Or Processed data is known as information Example: Text, Graphics, Figures, etc.
Q 2. Define the terms. (i) Information technology (ii) Telecommunication
Ans: information Technology: The scientific method used to store information, to arrange it for proper use and to communicate it to others is called information technology. Telecommunication: The method that is used to communicate information to far off places instantly is called telecommunication.
Q 3. What do you understand by information and communication technology?
Ans: Information and communication technology is scientific and technical methods and means to store, process and transmit vast amounts of information in seconds with help of electronic equipment.
Q 4. What are the components of information technology?
Ans: Hardware Software Data Procedure People
Q 5. What is difference between Hardware and Software?
Ans: Hardware: The hardware of computer system consists of physical components installed in main computer box and all associated equipment interconnected in an organized way Examples: Mouse Monitor screen, Printers etc. Software: The term software refers computer programs and the manuals that give the set of instruction to the hardware of compute that tells the CBIS parts what to do. After instruction the hardware part of CBIS produce the useful information from raw data. Examples: DOS, Windows, Linux.
Q 6. What is meant by Flow of Information?
Ans: Flow of information: The transformation of information from one place to another place is known as flow of information. The information transferred in different way through telecommunication equipment.
Q 7. Why Satellite Communication System is based on microwaves instead of radio waves.
Ans: The radio waves are retracted by the different layers in the earth’s atmospheric system. But the microwaves are not refracted. This does not lead weaken signal and easy to receive the information over long distance. That is the reason that micro-waves are used in satellite communications system.
Q 9. What do you know about telephone? Describe its construction.
Ans: Telephone also has diaphragm to turn voice into electrical signals by vibration which are transmitted over phone lines. Telephone system has two main parts: i. Mouthpiece / Transmitter ii. Earpiece / Receiver
Q 10. What is function of Mouthpiece and Earpiece.
Ans: Mouthpiece: When compressional waves of voice strike with diaphragm, the diaphragm also vibrated which compress the carbon and electrical signal produced. These electrical signals flow through the wire in the form of electrical current. Earpiece: Receiver received electrical signal which flow through the electromagnet. The electromagnet produces a varying field cause the vibration in metal diaphragm. This vibration of the diaphragm produces sound waves.
Q 11. What is Fax Machine?
Ans: Fax machine is also known as ‘TeIefacsimile’s’. Fax machine is used to send the copy of documents from one place to another place. Fax machine scans the documents page and convert it into electrical signals and transmit it to another fax machine through telephone lines. The receiving fax machine receive these electrical signals and converted these signals into copy with the help of printer
Q 12. What is Cell Phone? Describe its main parts.
Ans: Cell Phone: A cell phone is a device which consists on radio transmitter and radio receiver and used for two-way communication. It sends and receive the information with help of electromagnetic waves. Construction and Working: Main parts of cell phone network are as following: i. Cells ii. BS iii. MSC
Q 13. What is meant by Modulation?
Ans: Modulation: The process in which we superimpose information on electromagnetic waves called modulation.
Q 14. What do you know about Photo Phone?
Ans: In common telephone system, we can transfer and receive sound only but in photo phone, we can send and received sound the picture also. By using the photo and phone number of our friends or family members on this telephone you can call them by pressing pad with their photos. Thus we can communicative without relatives or friends on photo phone with the physical appearance of each other.
Q 15. How the desired station is picked through any Radio Station?
Ans: In a radio set, a variable capacitor is used to receive or pick the desire frequency of any radio signal. It is because the radio waves have broad spectrum of waves of different wavelengths and frequencies transmitted by different radio station simultaneously. A variable capacitor helps in picking the desired frequency of broadcasted radio waves.
Q 16. What is the difference between the Mobile Phone and the Normal Phone?
Ans: Mobile phone works on the basis of two-way radio communication system. It is based on wireless systems. However, in telephone, the signals are transmitted through telephone cables in the form of electrical pulses.
Q 17. What is meant by Optical Fiber?
Ans: Optical Fiber: An optical fiber or optical fiber is a flexible, transparent fiber made of high quality extruded glass or plastic, slightly thicker than a human hair. It can function as a waveguide, or “light pipe” to transmit light between the two ends of the fiber.
Q 18. Describe working principle of optical fiber?
Ans: The light enters the core at one end of optical fiber. These light beams hit the core-cladding interface and reflect back into the core. If the angle of incidence is less than critical angle the light beam escape form core which cause the data loss. lf incidence angle is greater than of critical angle then the light beams totally reflect into the core. In this way large amount of data can be transferred from one place to another place in form of light.
Q 19. What do you know about multimode?
Ans: Multimode: when electrical signals are transmitted through wives, the signal lost increases with increasing data rate. This decreases the range of the signal. The optical fiber of multimode is 10 times bigger than fiber optics used in single-mode cables. The light beams in the core can travel by following different paths, which is why it is called multimode. Advantage: Multimode fiber optics are used to link the computer networks together and it can send information relatively short distances.
Q 20. What is a Computer?
Ans: A computer is a machine that can be programmed to accept the data (input) and process it (processing) to give useful information {output) and store it(storage) for further use. OR “(Computer is an electronic machine which gives useful processed data in short time after analyzing and arranging.” Main Parts of Computer: Some main parts of a computer are given below: i. Input devices ii. The central processing unit (GPU) iii. Output devices
Q 21. Briefly describe the types of computer.
Ans: Types of Computer: There are main types of computer. i. Personal Computer: It is general used computer. These are less powerful machine as compared to micro-computer. ii. Minicomputer: These low cost computers use integrated circuits. These yet surprisingly powerful computers find their application in business and education. Minicomputer got their names due to their small size and have less powerful then main frame computers. iii. Main Frame: Mainframe are large scale computer together with their supporting equipment cost millions of dollars. It is usually used in large firms for different functions. iv. Super computer: Supercomputers are largest, fastest and most expensive computer for complicated problems. Fastest supercomputer can perform more than one trillion calculations in one second.
Q 22. What is difference between Input and Output Devices?
Ans: Input devices: The device which are used to give the instructions to computer are known as input devices. Examples: Keyboard, mouse, scanner, trackball, touchpad, pointing stick, touch screen, light pen etc. are the examples of input devices Output devices: The device takes results from computer and presents it in human readable form ls called output devices. There are number of output devices. Examples: Video display unit/ visual display device monitor, printers and speaker etc.
Q 23. What is meant by storing devices? Name the different storage devices?
Ans: The devices which are used to store any important data or information are called information storing devices. Example: Audio, video tape, compact disc (CD), Laser Disc, Floppy Disk and Hard Disk. The storage devices work on different principles using electronics, magnetism and laser technology.
Q 24. Differentiate between primary and secondary memory?
Ans: Primary Memory: Main memory is computer’s primary storage. It is extension of the central process unit (CPU) and directly accessible to it. Main memory accepts data and instructions from input unit, exchanges data supplies instructions to the other parts of CPU. It is based on electronics and consists of integrated circuit (lCs). It is random access memory (RAM). It vanishes when the computer is switched off. Secondary Memory: Secondary memory also referred as backing storage is used to supplement the capacity of primary memory. The data storage devices are generally known as secondary memory. It is used to store the data permanently in the computer.
Q.25 What are audio and video cassettes? How data is stored in these cassettes?
Ans: Audio cassettes consist of a tape of magnetic material, on which sound is saved in a particular form of a magnetic field. Storing information: the electric pulses produced by microphone change with respect to sound waves. These electric pulses change the magnetic field produced by electromagnet. Because of this magnetic field the magnetic tape is magnetized in specific form according to rise and fall of electric pulses. In this way sound is stored in specific magnetic pattern on this magnetic tape.
Q 26. What is floppy disc?
Ans: Floppy disc is the most common form of secondary storage devices. It is made up of a small magnetically sensitive, flexible plastic wafer which coated with ferromagnetic material and enclosed in a rigid plastic cover which protects it. Most personal computers included at least one disk drive that allow the computer to read write information from/ on floppy disk.
Q 27. What is Compact Disk (CD)
Ans: It is molded plastic disk on which digital data (binary numbers) is stored in the form of microscopic reflecting and non-reflecting spots. The reflecting spots are known as ‘pits’ and non-reflecting spot known as ‘lands’ Pits: pits are spiral tracks encoded on the top surfaces of CD Lands: lands are the space between the pits.
Q 28. How a Compact Disc work with laser based technology?
Ans: A fine laser beam scans the surface of rotating disk to read data. Pits and lands reflect different amount of laser light falling on the surface of CD. The reflected light from pits and lands converted into binary data. The presence of pit indicates ‘1’ and absences of pit indicate ‘0’. The data stored on CD is only readable data that cannot be altered or erased, therefore CD memory is called read only memory (ROM)
Q 29. What is Storage Capacity of CD and DVD?
Ans: A CD can store over 680 Megabyte (MB) data. A DVD the same size as traditional CD, is able to store up to Gigabyte (GB) of data
Q 30. What is Flash Drive?
Ans: Flash drive: flash drive is an electronic based device and consists of data storage ICs and used to transfer data from one computer to another. It is small storage device which slightly larger than gum stick. Flash drive is easy to use. We can simply plug flash drive is USB port and can copy our created papers. Flash drive can separate form computer.
Q 31. Define Program.
Ans: All the work is done by the computer in the light of those instructions which are called program information in its memory as long as we desire.
Q 32. Define Computer and enlist its different parts?
Ans: Computer is an electronic machine which after analyzing and arranging the given information, presents it in a very short time. Parts of computer: the parts of computer are: i. Input devices ii. CPU iii. Output devices
Q 33. Why Computer becomes so Popular?
Ans: The reasons of popularity of computer are as: i. Fast working of the computer ii. Accurate solution of the given information iii. Large memory iv. Capability of deriving results
Q 34. What is Protocol?
Ans: All computers linked with internet use uniform communication process and same code. In the internet terminology, it is called protocol. Whose name is TCP/IP. It is the abbreviation of transmission control protocol / internet protocol.
Q 35. What is HTML?
Ans: The language which is used in the internet web is understood will by all the computers linked with it and this language is called HTML. Which is an abbreviation of Hypertext Markup Language. Computer linked with the internet can exchange their information or can use the data base.
Q 36. Define Word Processing?
Ans: To type something by computer’s keyboard to correct, to arrange, to amend the documents, to add and detect the written portion which required is called the word process.
Q 37. Define Graphic Designing?
Ans: The process of collecting information regarding a subject for any purpose and to store them in the computer in more than one inter linked files which may help when needed, is called data managing.
Q 38. What is Remote Control System?
Ans: It is an extremely useful instrument. The function of a television and some other electronic machines can be controlled by it from a large distance without any cable connection.
Q 39. Which part of the computer is celled the Brain of Computer?
Ans: The central processing unit of computer is called the brain of the computer because it accepts all the instructions or program given to it, which accordingly processed by a control and memory unit.
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